Exactly, all for around the price of a FoST.
Exactly, all for around the price of a FoST.
Find a sponsor, no matter how small, with the initials MLB. Also ask all the competitors to display a large star on their vehicles. Then give the winner a tapering flag as a prize.
With three cars and a couple motorcycles, I usually have enough. Plus I only use synthetic and I wouldn’t want regular oil on my house, I’m no heathen.
This should be the base model
“200,000 miles on transmission, 400,000 transverse miles on front spider gears.”
110kph is still a respectable speed in Park.
This story may give me the needed courage to do this on my truck.
There are parts of PA that are pretty... similar.
I just took a final in EME 5213: advanced vibrations, and I calculated normal modes and shapes using eigenvectors and eigen values, so I know what’s wrong with it: It’s broke.
You don’t want his hands flying around. That’s how you start a fracas.
you're goddamn right you did. Haha
But Pontiac air vents are fun!
Medium and heavy duty trucks have always had a variety of engine and transmission combos available from different manufacturers to suit the end buyers needs best
What's next? Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria?
2004 F-150 3 valve 5.4L V8. Good luck not breaking them. Fortunately a Lisle tool can help you get them out. Otherwise, time to remove those heads.
Uhh... did I mention the free lunches? The free lunches are great.
I have a slightly relevant story about the time a guy in High School broke a kids jaw and induced a seizure after his head hit the ground... because he cut him in line for lunch. The local news went crazy for that headline. An upstanding kid with good grades and won games pitching on the high school baseball team sent…
Well, so few people ever tell me what they do for a living (except for the trolls who lie and say they are whatever expert they need to be to argue with me).
Captcha actually has a million monkeys on a million typewriters. This particular one just wrote a brilliant fan-fiction Tom Sawyer sequel, so management is chalking it up to a muscle memory mistake.