Dingers Ghost, Champion Jockey

Wait. I could be wrong here. The service station I previously worked at performed all the work on the town's mail truck. Underneath, it was Ford Explorer. I mean, it had a Ford steering column, Ranger/Explo steelies, Ford Gauge cluster, etc. Is it a different vehicle from the LLV?

The all new 2015 Corgi. Grounded to the Ground.

Came here for this.

It needs to come back with the requisite Fig Newtons windshield decal

I wasn't even aware that the SS was actually for sale at the time.

The all new Subaru Gnu! Available in blue!

Thats... uh I actually kinda dig it

It's apparently the one thing in his collection not bright ass yellow

Will there be a Guy Fieri version? I remember how popular that one was around here.

They make everything else out of bacon, it's only a matter of time.

Thank you sir. I have my moments.

It's the donk you need after all the other donks

Japan has it's anime-themed cars. We have our obesity-themed cars.

It was pretty outdated yeah. It's not very hard to swap parts between years. And I don't know about them still selling, they hardly were actually selling any by the end.

The previous Ranger was past revamping because it was really only revamped once. When they switched from square body to the newer style in '93, they were basically the exact same thing till their end in '11. Of course there were changes, i.e. engines, suspensions, axles, and the like; and of course occasional updates


$6k? Two cars for me.

Thats a lot of stuff!

But they're soooooo nice.

I scored 8/9. And I'm not excited by these things in any way.