
Or...don’t shoot at a car full of people. You don’t know if the passengers are there willingly, whether they know the car is stolen, or if they have anything to do with it.

I like how the realtor naturally thought you wouldn’t want to live in a black community area.

Sean Spicer, March 6:

What exactly does it say about me that I did in fact click on this story, knowing I would have to look at multiple horrible close-ups that made me gag, and am still commenting on it?

Tried to dissolve a body in it?

“I’m proud of you, you know... that you have the confidence to wear those two different patterns together.”- my father

An hour and fifteen minutes away? Some people’s daily commute is longer than that...

I didn’t really like KS, but she’s grown on me. She’s still not my favorite actress, but as a human being she is cool. I have respect and good vibes to her. I also love her style. A lot of my resistance to not liking her in retrospect is bc she was not being able to be who she really was—I dig the real her. No one

As a bisexual woman, I am seriously in love with Kristen Stewart and Evan Rachel Wood. They’re beautiful, they both have a platform and they’re not afraid to use it and its honestly so meaningful to me because so often bi people are treated like we don’t exist.

Ben Carson used to confuse the fuck out of me. Then I saw ‘Get Out’, and NOW he makes sense.

What would Judge Kara Brown say about this headline...

What would Judge Kara Brown say about this headline...

Hot take: John Oliver is aging well.

Leslie Jones should sit in as Trump. Doesn’t have to say a word. Just sit next to the comic and pout.

Or, people could just stop feeling embarrassed by feminine products and just get over it. There is no reason that a woman should feel shame (or society make her feel shame) for using something like a tampon. People need to loosen up a little. As for this whole glue thing, I’m not a doctor, but I suspect that it is a

I don’t watch the show , but isn’t her being announced as the lead in next season completely undermining this season?

They are....vaguely identifiable as pokemon, so.... mission accomplished? I dunno, man. My gut is telling me these aren’t very good, but I don’t do Mega Bloks so I may be completely off base. Anyone have an honest to goodness *bad* Mega Bloks design to compare?

Kim’s boobs look ... pained.

Hi and well done to you both! Realising and accepting yourself is one of the hardest parts. I’d like to say that you’re definitely not using queer wrong and it doesn’t matter how you dress. Although I totally had those feelings a lot and it took me about two years after coming out to comfortably id as bi because of

Hey y’all. I just turned 29, and heading into this new year I have realized something about myself- I don’t identify as straight any more.