
No doubt there are a lot of Britons who feel this way, but the “people on Twitter said this thing” has to be one of my least favorite pieces of new journalism. There are people on Twitter who say they want to fuck Gritty. We gonna write a story about that now? Actually someone on Giz media probably already has.

You know why tube tying is more prevalent “in the older crowd”? Because doctors refuse it for younger women. I was pregnant at 30 and requested a tubal post birth and was told I would change my mind and want another child and also that I need my husband to sign off on it. When I mentioned the conversation to friends I

Y’all, keep in mind that the check was $1,000 for THREE WEEKS of pay. A nigga can’t even make over $300 a week without raising suspicion. 

Now playing

What? I can’t hear you, I have the volume up too loud!

And they’re free to do that. Youtube, however, as a private company, has no obligation to provide the means for them to do it. It’s their house, they set the rules, if you don’t like it you can host your shit somewhere else.

There is definitely a word missing after the $25 in the Scarlett piece and I’m pretty sure it’s “million”

Look, I made it better!

This is the first year I had already read every story (but the emailed one) in the comments. I’m sad.

Those are racists dressed in their make believe military clothes.

I think the reason stupid white people recoil at the thought of white privilege is because they’ve squandered theirs. It’s easy to dismiss something that you never took advantage of as never existing, because then you don’t have to reflect upon yourself and your life choices.

She white.

So, if I’m following this correctly, it’s whoever wins Wimbledon, then?

Such poor planning. No security, or velvet ropes, and you arrange the expensive ass art like a giant game of fucking dominoes.

My wife and I have a dishwasher magnet, and no joke it has solved a lot of marital strife. It may sound minor, but the damn light on our dishwasher was not enough for us to tell when it was clean/dirty. And after enough times of squabbling about who did/didn’t do the dishes, and who messed up the clean dishwasher, we

Scene was just missing one line.

While an ordinary uterus can usually be slipped out whole through the vagina

On the other hand, I am not looking forward to any Mike Pence Mother Russia is Fine memes.