
IRS has a withholding calculator, but good luck trying to figure it out. I know people who work on tax issues that had trouble with it, so I don’t imagine most of the general public would find it easy.

VRDL is who I’ve been watching today. Those walls, yo. Denver/Rose should be pretty interesting after Sclad’s transfer. I’m also looking forward to VRDL and Angel City, though I’ll probably have to wait til tomorrow morning for that one.

Not self care related, just wanted to chime in and say that I’m also enjoying The Big O this year. Looks like there’s lots to learn for a new freshie.

I was just coming here to recommend Autostraddle. I haven’t been super active in the comments, but they have some great writing and a great community.

This was the first thing I thought of, too.

I did pretty much exactly what you described. I knew there was some mental health issue, and so I researched depression and found that the typical symptoms more or less matched what I was feeling on a daily basis. I made an appointment with a therapist and told him that I felt a general soul-sucking sadness all the

I think what finally convinced me to vote for Clinton was hearing that an incoming president appoints over 4,000 people to lead the executive branch. I’m pretty sure I don’t want that many of Trump’s “best people” running things.

Ha, good catch. I’m also apparently pretty terrible at twitter or whatever, so there’s that.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Dopey <a href="https://twitter.com/SecretService">@SecretService</a>, you better be aware! You were standing right next to me! Could&#39;ve arrested me right there! <a href="https://t.co/vdoV9hT5aI">https://t.co/vdoV9hT5aI</a></p>&mdash; DonaId J.