
None of these social media offerings are mandatory. We managed just fine before they existed, and we can do again. If enough people walk away from these time-wasting, data-scraping advert servers, then they will eventually get the hint and push off, or go bust. Why do you feed Meta, X, TikTok, Google, with their

This is Jaahnavi. A complete human being.

Is this “limited value” in the idea that women over a certain arbitrarily determined prime age for breeding are useless? Or just “limited value” because cops view all “civilians” as lesser than them?

I had to deal with the “cop attitude” in an event that I volunteered with for many years. Their unearned superiority complex makes them think no one else is worth anything. Absolutely disgusting.

Ah yes. The value of a PoC, coming from a PoS. Fuck this clown.

Cops hate the educated. They see them as a threat. 

It’s time we make cops write checks from their personal accounts.

Just a few bad apples, right?

I love Paris. Like, I unabashedly LOVE it. When my wife and I retire, we’re selling everything and moving to France; I’m pushing for LeMans because it’s lovely and you know... racing. It has the added benefit of being 1 1/2 hours from Paris.

Define “large”?

And have you now or ever previously transported large amounts of illegal drugs and/or firearms across state lines?

Yeah, just thinking that tomorrow’s big story will be “So I got arrested for stealing a rental car...”

It’s the device police track when Hertz reports rental vehicles stolen. 

um doing tourist things.. why do you ask?

Tracking device from the FBI. Where were you on 01/06?


What a ridiculous comment.

While I do fully condone calling out Boebert for being a hypocrite, but before this can really be taken seriously, the PAC in question should actually present some proof. At the moment it is fully leaning on just claiming that they are have seen the evidence, but it is questionable to publish such allegations without

And on the other side, there were no honest customers that said, “Hey, is gasoline really less than a dollar per gallon?”

What’s your industry?  I think it’s bullcrap that the guy was fired for this.  Unless this was the straw that broke the camel’s back in a long line of mistakes, I think it’s too harsh.