
What state’s residents wouldn’t take advantage of this mistake? Please share your research with the class.

Oh? So the percentage is dropping? /s

This. This is the way.

I didn’t have reliable internet access until I was well into high school in an era where your ability to be On Line dictated your ability to maintain real life friendships. I didn’t have those popular frames of reference, and it’s something that will forever prevent me from forming basic connections with people.”

No no...weather is controlled with a Sharpie, as the last guy showed us. The joystick is for super double-secret cryptocurrency price manipulation.

Show me his underground lair and THEN I’ll be impressed.

How could this law actually be enforced? What’s stopping the owner from updating their car while in another state, if they so desired?

Wait. You’re saying eating TidePods is a BAD thing?

It wasn’t a piercing. It was a star-shaped shield on her breast. Go Google the pics.

How many servants were indentured to black people?

They’ll revolt not when they realize the costs, but when they actually have to pay those costs.

Circular logic students will be studying this comment for decades.

We live in a “look at me” and “fuck you” nation now. The idea that there is a proper code of conduct that we all agree upon is a fond and distant memory.

Can’t wait to see what Singer can do with that!

You’re wasting your talents here.

Needs more golf ball shift knob.

These ought to sell well in Alabama.


“Can you really be considered the greatest if you can’t perform in the games that matter most?”

Hey, I said I was sorry about that!