
Hey, that’s a great looking Buick!

This is as about as good as life will get for Mai Tai Guy, I predict. Unless he ever gets laid, that is.

This thread is going downhill.

In Florida, you say?

Da fuq with 6G...let’s go straight to 7G. Hell, why not 8G? MAGA!!!

That could take you out of the “$10-20K” league. Just a guess.

I think the big question here is why we’re discussing about what some shit for brains named Chuck Whatshisnuts thinks about Vlad Jr.’s abilities.

You don’t deserve to be called a racing champion until you’ve won yourself a combine demo derby or two.

The A’s need to be moved to Portland ASAP. I can’t see MLB wanting to keep this team in that dump of a stadium, Oakland doesn’t want them and Portland has an active group that’s working to get a stadium deal put together. Let’s do this!

Geezus Tapdancing Christ...”

I don’t think my initial comment was mistaken. And I do think you misinterpreted the substance and intent in my question. Perhaps some self reflection is in order as well?

Thanks for all the responses, folks, thoughtful ones and otherwise. I respect your points of view, even though I may not understand them.

I can understand that people choose to risk their lives to participate in this race. Why they make that choice is beyond my comprehension. But what I really don’t get is why anyone is interested in watching others kill themselves in this race. Is human life really that insignificant?

Not terribly surprised to read that HD is a terrible place to work. But I doubt they’re unique among corporate American businesses. The American workforce is considered disposable, apparently.

“...gin and tonics are gross.”

Wait, did I just read a bullshit article?

It’s always the o-rings.

You are definitely unbalanced.

100% agree on the R vs. GTI take. I bought a new ‘17 GTI Sport for under $25K, as I couldn’t see spending any more than that, even for a upgraded GTI, much less a R. It’s a great car...couldn’t be happier!

My 86 900T had the bronze Shelby wheels, along with bronze tinted windows. It looked great!