
It’s an alright educated guess, but also awfully presumptuous to assume someone on here is American.

Just to be clear, you want oral sex from your cat?

Shin Megami Tensei Pokemon? Sign me up!

With a new handheld/console hybrid on the horizon? I’d take that bet any day.

He’s actually been quite entertaining. You on the other hand, definitely do come across as an incredible ass.

Oh wow, a dickhead troll on the internet. How refreshing.

Thanks for the heads up. Downloading Pokemon Uncensored now.

Of course you’re not. Lots of people are wrong about stuff all the time. You’re not alone.


What the fuck are you even talking about you still-born inbred piece of shit?

Hahahaha go fuck yourself.

I can’t believe I almost missed this retarded bit of gold. You think BlockBuster is still a thing? Adorable.

Don’t worry guy. You’re still an inbred dipshit to me.

No it’s not you fucking ass.

Blastoise doesn’t grow over 6 foot, not sure what the dipshit artist thought they were accomplishing besides being a dreary fucking edgelord.

Hell, I’m just pissed Rob Bricken doesn’t do Fan Fiction Friday anymore.

Sorry, I wasn’t aware that the net had chosen an arbitrary form of classification and claimed it had any meaning whatsoever.

“...or read an M-rated fanfiction will have seen about just as much action.”

Nah, she was all of 14-15 at the time. I’m pretty sure it was a case of someone unfamiliar with the characters deciding to make a joke about squirrels and wolverines (at least SG. Wolverine’s age is pretty widely known).

Wolverine fucked Squirrel Girl. Everyone seemed to forgive that one.