
“I’m not complaining, but I am shaming people for not having priorities and interests that line up 100% with mine!”

“...it always has to come in jokes”

Maybe it’s a traveler from a distant world?

He’s actually been quite entertaining. You on the other hand, definitely do come across as an incredible ass.

yeah, but then you have borderlands

This is MX-410. He is canon.

we dragon ball now

Blastoise doesn’t grow over 6 foot, not sure what the dipshit artist thought they were accomplishing besides being a dreary fucking edgelord.

Username relevance

And boom goes the dynamite. Hahahahahaha.

Commentator, in crisp English accent: Folks at home may be asking themselves, “How will he finish?” And, well, Depends.

No one outside of team Valor likes team Valor.

So, why reveal it in a trailer from 3 years ago? You show something in a gameplay trailer that was meant to build hype and garner pre-orders, then you can’t even confirm if the thing is in the game because “spoilers”? Bullshit.

“Yes you can see other players” - Sean Murray - Head White Hipster for the game

The fight against piracy hackers is a meaningless fight.

Good, all it amounts to is a waste of capital that doesn’t cause any more revenue or profit to wind up in the hands of the game company anyways.

I’d rather see that money actually be used on the game itself.

I mean, get internet.

Of course :P I’ll probably never again get that much attention from a post. So I’m going to enjoy it while it lasts.

I guess if you only hang out on Twitter with a certain selection of people. Everyone I know is still playing/doesn’t mind or care about the updates.