
I call these gentrification stools. 

fuck her, i hope she feels physically shaken for the rest of her life. her advocacy has decimated the futures of kids across my home state for generations who feel physically and mentally shaken on the daily. she deserves every terrible thing she she gets. i hope she cries every day until she resigns.

Chick here. Definitely played this game in middle school we called it “cool points” in hindsight no bueno. At the time seemed fine. Dunno if it warrents a criminal justice reaction - mostly cuz fuck our CJ system generally wherein dudes get off for raping women regularly and unarmed black bodies are left bleeding in

Please address this molesty conversation between Kylie and Tyga. It's really clear now how he groomed her from way too young.

Amber Rose left Kanye though...for the record.

I just put this on the radar of digital_dude. We will report back once executed.

She is literally the best thing to happen to TV in the last couple years. Get her her own show. And maybe a shirt, but hey, if she doesn't want to wear an actual shirt that's cool too. It's just kinda cold in NY right now...

Saw him at chateau martmont on Saturday - he is just as creepy looking in person as you would expect him to be.

FFS chlamydia is curable. Relax.

He's a Scorpio. Mystery solved.

This is a silly question. Obvs.

Idk he was hilarious in Kimmy Schmidt

1. So much NOPE.

In response to last times’s results: why would anyone NOT want to fuck Miguel? Even minion free? I would like to fuck him and his girlfriend, simultaneously.

I just came here to profess my everlasting love for Aubrey. Us light-skinneds are petty muthafuckaz.

Idk if he’s the Drake of country but he can be the Drake of my vagina. And by that I mean: I’ll take both of them, pls/thx

I call bullshit on the Drake one, we all know he likes thick girls.

11 partners forever? I had 11 partners before I was 22...but I’ve also always been really sex positive (which I think takes many people a long time to arrive at if they ever do...). A lot of that sex wasn’t good though. In my late 20s and now heading into my 30s I’ve slowed down a lot because not all sexy equals good

I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed!

Once so far! Was awesome.