Computer generated entertainment.
Computer generated entertainment.
Alan Moore, while having very strong opinions, is not always right. It is OK to disagree with him.
Be polite and turn around and ask. I’m 6 ft and there are flights where my knees hit the back of the seat in front of me. I usually have to carry a big ass bottle of water onto flights to wedge in between the back pockets and the bottom of the tray so that the person in front cannot recline the seat.
So I just got my first stand mixer and have gone down the path of making pizza dough. I want to say everything turned out well so far, though it may have been a bit of beginner’s luck. I pulled the dough of the hook as soon as it was able to come together into a single mass, kneaded it for maybe a minute, let it do…
There is what is faster and what is going to piss people off less. Assigned seats angers fewer people than losing the race to your preferred seat, or losing access to the overhead bin because you weren’t willing to throw a few elbows to get to the front of the boarding line.
I wouldnt be too concerned about this. Trump will likely appoint someone, whom has likely spent their entire life indoors and has no concept of what vehicles and roads are like, to head up USDOT.
If you take a look at your blade, it should be immediately obvious. That said, you should always inspect your blades after you use a food processor to make sure nothing happened while the food was being processed.
Somehow the outfit on that porn cover is less slutty than the one Cindy wears. Impressive.
Didn’t you guys just post an article encouraging ride swapping?
Point is she never claimed to be a blue collar worker. Are you thinking at a child of a blue collar worker is also considered a blue collar worker?
You mean talking about her father and not herself, right?
Will it be powerful enough for GameCube games?
“Fan service” may be a legitimate argument from the OPs perspective, but that “fan service” should not protect from criticism. People complaining about criticism like this are marginalizing an issue that makes up a startling degree of this and other mediums. What is more curious than the criticism put forth in this…
Needs more diversity, right?
You work the back of a garbage truck, don’t you?
Can we agree to retire “woke”, please?
Swipe had a different idea for “kills”. *sigh*
The pace of the game is crazy, the way special kids work is entertaining and over all it is just a purely fun shooter.
I didn’t quote you.
Just because their views are different doesn’t mean they are safe from criticism or should be.