Hello, . I’ve been jumping rope for fitness for over 40 years. It’s about time others have caught on! I don’t recommend jumping on a carpet, mainly because it will cause a drag on the VINYL ROPE.
Hello, . I’ve been jumping rope for fitness for over 40 years. It’s about time others have caught on! I don’t recommend jumping on a carpet, mainly because it will cause a drag on the VINYL ROPE.
You know you don’t have to play it, right? Were you somehow unahppy with the amount of single player content that you received?
Nope. The fur suit thing is definitely worse
do whatever you want in the comfort of your own home. But when you bring it out into the public and try to act like its normal and everyone should accept it, then it becomes cringe. Especially when they make animal noises.
still a cringe furry though.
As an FGC fan, SF has always seemed like a really good dude.
Wow, how . . . embarrassing
I really really want to play this, but $40 is pretty steep for Tetris.
Can we get the same but with the best creations? This post is getting old with every game with character creation.
I’m still looking forward to playing the first one on a PC.
It will be great in 2020!
So what is immortality like?
Poor thing.
This isn’t a Discord suggestions box...
This is in ready to drink form. No need to add milk (which costs extra). You’re comparing different products.
This is in ready to drink form. No need to add milk (which costs extra). You’re comparing different products.
That was not worth the shitty wannabe punk cover of that song.
Kickstarter video addresses this, they show it has enough ventilation that it wouldn’t be a problem.
Either way, it strikes me as an unimportant error to bring up in a comments section like this.
Struck me as a typo, not misuse of the word “rise”. All you have to do to mix the two up is forget to press to “A” key.
Because it’s an awesome niche.
Because it’s an awesome niche.