
“LATER” is my word, but I also play with hard mode rules, which I don’t think this approach considered.

Find a starting word that lets you complete in fewer than 5 guesses. For example, “LATER” regularly allows me to complete in 3 or 4.





Wow, and you toss me into the grey. What a fucking child.

You can turn this back around on me all you want and ignore the fact that games are made by committee and been counters who want to soak up every penny they can and doing so creates restrictions that some of us in the consumer end won't like, but appeal to a more traditional customer base. If you sleep better by

It’s pretty obvious you don’t want to congratulate them. You don’t even want to nutrally recognize they made an effort that so many other developers drop the ball on. You just want any opportunity to take a shit on their effort because it doesn’t land squarely within your undefined goal posts and then equate their

At what point to writers see someone meeting their needs and positively champion it rather than turn it into a negative. We get it. The representation of other people and cultures had been limited in gaming and other forms of entertainment. That horse is a bloody pool that no longer resembles a horse. There is never a

Is the next article going to tell us which Goop product is right for us based off the games we play?

Because it's a job that involves zero background checks, reference checks or any sort of reputation check. It's a perfect job for a piece of shit that couldn't land a job shoveling out horse stalls.

The only thing keeping away from the game is apparently how broken you become if you spend any time grinding out a few levels. It also sounds like the game is more on the easy side.

I did a mission of some sort where the finale was a fight with a giant spider, which I liked quite a bit. However, several hours in and I never saw a way to change my load out. I hope the release does a better job of pointing out how to do things.

If you’re looking for a solo experience then this is not the game you are looking for. Otherwise, yeah, still worth it.



You’re referring to the article pointing out that there was a bad batch of the powered Soylent, right?

You’re referring to the article pointing out that there was a bad batch of the powered Soylent, right?

Been drinking these for a couple months now. I was pleasantly surprised with how filling they are and how good the cocoa flavor is. This is an easy purchase. Thanks Shep!

Been drinking these for a couple months now. I was pleasantly surprised with how filling they are and how good the

Doesn’t seem that bad, though this is some odd material to jerk off too.

Can you do this effectively on carpet?