
I wonder if the neck snappingly quick turn towards porn and cross-eyed, tongue sticking out stupidity had anything to do with this. Seriously, what’s with the cross-eyed, tongue thing? Are other guys turned on by women who appear to be mentally challenged to a worrying degree?

Interesting take that is sure to generate some clicks.

If your system cant handle a cheeseburger and fries, consider seeing a doctor.

No, what some people are looking for, and what I think you are willfully ignoring, is the ability to play in the RDR world with other players in a co-op setting which still functions as pve.

Looks like that furry kid wearing an even bigger head.

Sweet! We get to see fragile male egos and fragile white egos go off the deep end. Too bad they didn’t put a swastika tattoo on the guys chest.

He’s going to get up on stage, introduce the next Elder Scrolls game and it’s going to look like a game released in 2010.

“ensure all activities are appropriately rewarding and fun”

Most likely not. Given the evidence of how much people are willing to spend on ports on this system, they could sell it for above retail and will still sell boatloads.

I like being able to buy the card I want vs how hearthstone operates. It already feels both cheaper and faster to get what you’re looking for.

Nothing quite like an article on hate to cause people to out themselves for their own bigotry. We need more articles like this.

Bethesda is on quite the fuck-up tour.

Causation, no. Correlation, yes. If there is a lot of crossover, it’s safe to say there is some relationship between the two. What, exactly, that relationship is may be a little tougher to nail down.

Really? These are the much needed fixes? Aside from the getting stuck in power armor, these are not the big issues if the day. These are more insults than anything. How about fixing the UI to actually represent the type of game we are playing now, one that is in real time and doesn’t pause so you can fight the shitty U

Any threatened males want to weigh in on this?

TIL Lifehacker is read by a lot of greedy assholes.

Not a gross exaggeration. People claiming that fans wanted Fallout 5 are off target. What we wanted was a multiplayer Fallout game. What we got was a pseudo-Fallout, pseudo-survival game that is anemic on both ends. It’s clear they rushed this idea out, perhaps as some sort of test, but also felt that there was enough

By admonishing him for abusing the system and removing the obvious preferential treatment that you seem to be either willfully ignoring or are oblivious to.

Not that I’m aware of, unless Epic pays him for any promotional activities they invite him to attend. There is clear bias in how they handle his specific complaints.

This is an issue Epic enabled. They gave a petulant child access to too much assumed power and didn’t put him in check because he drove sales of skins and other useless shit. Epic needs to take full responsibility for this and fire him as a brand ambassador. But who am I kidding, if this kids bullshit continues to gene