
I think we got different versions of the game. In mine she is wearing ridiculously little clothing for a mechanic.

Your boy won. Quit being a whiny bitch already.

ROI may not be strong enough to support that.

That statement is from the viewpoint of typically finding survival modes fun or at least interesting. You can have a game that is both hard and fun. Right now survival mode in NMS is not remotely fun or interesting.

Just spent about 20 minutes trying to replicate your result with no luck. The stamina bar fills just as slowly as normal.

Not sure if Tenor is a masochist, but survival is a nightmare. The pace in which you have to take the game is painfully slow, the abundance of needed resources is paltry and the chances of getting a highly unfavorable starting position is extremely high. If I had full days to dedicate to the game, survival may be more

People who would be better off playing video games. That is how bad this has become.

He is clearly inspired by inspiration.

If you have a local Best Buy, they sell a 2TB external hard drive for about $80 that works beautifully in a PS4. The process is easy to execute though you will need a thumb drive that you install some files to to facilitate the overall process. A quick Google search will get you there.

If you have a local Best Buy, they sell a 2TB external hard drive for about $80 that works beautifully in a PS4. The

Survival is terrible at the moment.

Survival is terrible at the moment.

Don’t forget Man in High Castle, Bosch, Mad Dogs, Goliath, etc.

Always have to give a shootout for X-Wing Miniatures on these sorts of posts. Great collectable dog fighting game with a lot of variety. Be warned, it will become an obsession.

Always have to give a shootout for X-Wing Miniatures on these sorts of posts. Great collectable dog fighting game

I had a question like this very recently in an interview. I had no idea how to answer the question from a conceptual level. I asked the person interviewing me how she would answer that question. She agreed that it was tough, laid out her thinking which grounded me in the context and allowed me to give an informed

Surprised Mexico isn’t going to build their own wall at this point... same for Canada. We are apparently going to make America great again by being afraid of our own shadow, overreacting to the smallest slight and have Putin’s hand shoved firmly up our ass.

I would pay $200 for this with all the “Only on SNES” games working in high-def and wireless controllers.

Correction, A console gamer for the win. An outlier is not proof of a trend.

The mouse doesnt bother you?

Battlefield 1

“Extremely erotic” is both hyperbolic and inaccurate. Those poor exposed balls banging around if painful to watch.

If you are that into dicks, go for it.