
He probably got that from the risk number of Debbie that have been created, not just this one. Was that aspect really not obvious to you or is this a case of willful ignorance in an attempt to discredit a different pov?

Counterpoint, eat the steak instead.

Seems like more of defiant humor than distasteful. The only way I see this as being distasteful is if Mexicans feel like they could be, in any way, forced to execute this absolutely bast shit insane task, unless of course they are as scared of Trump as we are and decide to build a wall to keep us out of their country.

Stanley flash, for when you need to keep your schnapps ice cold while piloting some heavy machinery.

Stanley flash, for when you need to keep your schnapps ice cold while piloting some heavy machinery.

“No toxins from Teflon or aluminum.” /eyeroll

“No toxins from Teflon or aluminum.” /eyeroll

Sounds like you don’t understand the role of qualifiers.

“I just like to act human on occasion.” That implies acting differently than you is to not act human, otherwise you would not have qualified “act” the way you did. At the very least your statement is confusing if that is not what you intended to imply.

Take a look at Wisconsin and Florida. Third party votes to Hilary would have given her the win.

Interesting that your way is the only human way.

Time for the inevitable, “Not sure what the big deal is. Only took me 14 lives to beat that level and that’s because my cat kept jumping in my lap. Someone needs to make a level that is actually hard. This ez mode crap is getting boring.”

Depends on how you feel about these grindy games. He is saying it isnt bad, but it is far from fresh. In fact it is about as stale as that piece of bread that fell between the counter and fridge. So stale that if you broke it apart, you would have the crunchiest crouton that the culinary world has ever seen.

I’ve been using Breeze and it works great for odor control.

Sounds like people bought Skyrim alright. The engine they use for all these games including Fallout can best be described as “janky”.

So you want free and full featured?

The smugish name compared to what we see there generates an immediate dislike.

Doesn’t matter if you are leaving now, you shouldnt have been parked there anyway. Seems like you have issues accepting responsibility for your actions.

While I get what you are saying, at least all of that was in game footage. That is more genuine than a full CG trailer that misrepresents what a game is. That Doom trailer lets you know exactly what you are getting without spending time overexposing people to a particular level. I would say that Doom trailer is pretty

The Man in Black is Peter Martin, the survivor from the movie. He has been coming back to the park for the past 30 years as a coping mechanism and to seek out revenge.

The one thing drivers are not great at is reacting to dangerous situations. This is something that HAVs will excel at. People will still be injured, people may still die, but the reaction time and processing the environment around the situation will be far better. We either have to accept this as a given and drink the

