I don’t think anyone would claim bias if you didn’t bring up MLF. That’s likely the first game in anyone’s mind that grew up in the Genesis generation. That game was bonkers. I use the Icebay Bashers helmet as my fantasy league logo.
I don’t think anyone would claim bias if you didn’t bring up MLF. That’s likely the first game in anyone’s mind that grew up in the Genesis generation. That game was bonkers. I use the Icebay Bashers helmet as my fantasy league logo.
Non-gamers? Care to qualify how you landed on that one? I ask because I’ve played Counter-Strike competitively and I have played every Myst game. Based on your comment I should be imploding or something.
I’ve given up on this game. Gear scores have turned it into a pile of shit. Tack onto this the lack of soloable content and there just isn’t much of anything to do in the game. I’m sure it’s great for people that have other friends that play it though.
The breakfast variant is pretty great.
His head stuck up above the rest when he essentially told his fans to fuck off.
If they did they missed the point. Likely what they did is heard someone else refer to something as Orwellian (perhaps correctly, perhaps not), got a bastardized concept of the reference and parroted it without understanding the nuanced meaning.
When people refer to moves like this as “Orwellian” it really makes me think people need to spend more time reading books and less time playing video games.
That plug seems to know what is getting ready to happen to its face and is both confused and scared. #outletfacesmatter #recepticalfacerape
That plug seems to know what is getting ready to happen to its face and is both confused and scared.…
I get the sense that Konami is telling MG fans that they are no longer interested in the fans’ business and to kindly fuck off.
That's not true. I've sat in the air a few times due to this and got just as many shards as when I had participated in fights, which is nice because at least the clusterfuck isn't causing me to miss much, though it is boring.
You don't have to understand it. That's the simplicity of this whole thing. If you don't get it, don't participate.
What I’ve noticed is the outnumbered faction just sits in the sky leeching off the work of the other faction.
And I'm willing to put up with it if it means I don't have to line up a group in some obtuse way. Also, why wouldn't this be a separate option? What would it replace, the ability top remake a group?
Why? You would have the option to not use it.
Yet, still no ingame match making for a lot of end game content.
What did you lower your resolution down to?
Unlocking Paladin was one of the most satisfying experiences ever in my gaming career. Waiting around for 4+ hours for a party as a MNK or other dps was the worst.
To be clear, I was not talking about “most people”, I was referring to early adopters who risk making decisions with relatively limited information. This is a consumer segment that is very important for a lot of categories.