People afking; the party not refilling when someone drops, which is exacerbated be the new strike streak system.
People afking; the party not refilling when someone drops, which is exacerbated be the new strike streak system.
They recognized it was an issue after people started reporting the drop numbers. They have not recognized the strike list matchmaking issues nor the highly annoying sprint lockout.
Did you happen to ask why they are so quick to nerf bugs that benefit players (3 of coins, 310 black spindle) yet so slow to respond to feedback where players are negatively impacted (matchmaking issues with Strikes, sprint lockout)?
Does this game use the COD “Everyone needs to get free kills” respawn behind the enemy scheme?
I find it to largely be a pain in the ass.
That napalm is the worst!
I had a lot of fun with this one last night over 5 tries. We had a less than ideal group of 1 Titan and 2 Warlocks but managed to beat it by heading into the boss room with just under 7 min left. For us the key was good communication, target prioritization and staggering supers.
My annoyance right now is that unless you fully understand the new raid, good luck getting a party... And it's been out less than a week. Wtf?
That is not necessarily true. This dipshit could very well keep the price where it is and have a profitable product. The issue is that there are other people who need access to the drug that will not be able to afford it, or worse, health insurance will cover it and then we all have to bear this burden.
The market rate was $13 a pill before this pig got involved. $13 a pill is still expensive for those who are lower income. Taking it up to $750 is a death sentence if there is not another option.
Yeah, it reeks of bullshit.
I appreciate you optimistic denial.
Capitalism is flawed precisely for that type of thinking.
An additional feature which no one asked for, an additional feature which is causing the delay. How about giving the people what was advertised now?
You will never see the game you backed. Just accept that now and keep hammering this company on the issue until the relent and give you an interview.
This guy is a poster child of what is wrong with capitalism. Rooting against his team from now on. /blogpost
I farmed this weekend too. Got 6 helmets, 5 were obsidian. I was not happy.
Good news, there will be another CoD released soon enough for you.
Please quote where I said that.
I did not skip anything you said. What is confusing me is you say I am oversimplifying something when I have made it clear already that this is not a black and white subject, that I am focused on the gray and that the way the system previously was was in the gray by not handing out gear like candy. Had I said anything…