You arent making any sense. You say you have no preference and then start defending a fractured base where casual players are not able to keep up with heavy players. I dont know what to make of that.
You arent making any sense. You say you have no preference and then start defending a fractured base where casual players are not able to keep up with heavy players. I dont know what to make of that.
Which do you prefer, a system where both casual and heavy players can participate in similar activities together with similar gear or a system that will drive a gap between the player bases?
I find your results interesting as they directly oppose my experience. After taking several months off with little progress into the Light level 30’s, within two months I was able to be on par with most geared PVEers maxing out 34 as much as the game would allow. I was able to achieve this by capping marks across my…
The previous system did not do what, allow light players to keep up with heavy players?
So to be clear, this is not a black and white issue. There is a grey area and that is where I am focused. To be more clear, I am not saying that those with less time to play should be able to easily get the same gear as those who have more time. What I am saying is that the gap should not be as large as the current…
I dont see you could disagree with that. That is exactly how it worked.
“I’d have to 100% disagree with this.”
Then what were you disagreeing with? I made not subjective statement in the post you disagreed with so I assumed you disagreed with the implication of what I said which is having a player base that is less fractured. The intent was not to put words in your mouth but to try and understand a not so clear comment.
Is this for PS3?
So you prefer a more fractures player base, which makes pulling together groups for runs/raids more difficult?
Marks are account wide now. I mentioned that in my post.
Those were the days... When you could create skins that abused the engine and would allow your opponent to stand out more than intended.
Understanding is pretty simple. The trick is understanding a basic fundamental to human psychology which is that individuals have unique opinions. Trying to understand all combinations is difficult. What should be easier is respecting this simple fact and not passing judgement if said opinion has zero impact on you…
YouTube works because there are hundreds of aggregators that dig through the crap. Hopefully media outlets like Kotaku can generate enough ad revenu off of highlighting the good stuff too help with this.
If you are only able to play on the weekends, there is no predictable way in which you would be able to keep up with others who can play more frequently under this new system which will only serve to create a larger fracture in the player base. The previous system allowed more players to stay in a relatively similar…
Perhaps because you have that kind of time to spend on this game daily. For you it would take about 6 months to outfit 3 characters. For the persons who can only play on weekends, for example, it would take them 3 years to outfit 3 characters, 1 year per character.
Would you say that is typical of most players because with my experience, what I am seeing on Reddit as well as gamefaqs seems to be largely different than what you are seeing.
You dont see a middle ground there?
I’m annoyed with the Legendary marks. Bungee said, “Hey guys, no more weekly cap...”