It sucks when you finally afford PC gamers the ability to refund a digital purchase, doesn’t it? Suddenly you have to care about the “final” product.
It sucks when you finally afford PC gamers the ability to refund a digital purchase, doesn’t it? Suddenly you have to care about the “final” product.
I played Mario when he was originally on Atari.
Sure there is. For example, you don't want a person who traditionally does not enjoy sports games to review Madden. The reason being is that reviewer does not represent the potential customer that would buy the game. This is an important detail because the review should speak to the segment that had the most…
I was just wondering if they picked the wrong person for the review. I got the impression that the game didn't stand a chance before it left the case.
Then my suggestion to you would be stop assuming you are the smartest one in the room. If someone doesn’t provide you with the proper context for you to engage on a topic you want to discuss, move on to a post that does lest you end up in a similarly unsatisfying circular argument. For me, I will continue to keep the…
Or, you could have stayed on point. you chose to lose site of the subject so that you could satisfy your own want of debating a topic that my post was not at all focused on.
Since you seem to be having a hard time with this, let me succinctly restate my point.
Last comment on this; when I post in these comments it is either to engage in a discussion or to share my pov on a topic. I do not post here to teach people about topics contained within an article. That is for either the author to do or for the individual reader to workout on their own time.
You came into this conversation with the claim you had no perspective on what their model is. That I have no interest in entertaining.
Your like the guy who wants to talk about statistics, knows nothing about the topic, and gets upset because the people you are talking to do not want to teach you simple arithmetic.
I’m not interested in teaching someone about Riots business model. If you aren’t willing to do your own due diligence to prepare for this conversation then you are not invested enough to have meaningful participation and are out of your depth.
I'm aware of that tired trope. Thanks.
The costs... How did you miss that?
“Not as bad as it could be” does not rectify anything.
Speed is key to an S ranking. Get your S then have a blast screwing with the enemy. If you are waiting to S, be sure to equip the Butterfly on your emblem to avoid potential disappointment.
You clearly have not been gaming long if you don't think people care about scores or rankings, that or you pay zero attention to the gaming world around you.
Now this just seems like a case of poor directing and writing.
Have you discussed just renaming the site Spoilers to nip this nonsense in the bud? Every week you guys should dedicate an article to spoiling some major plot detail of old media.
I would agree with you if the video of Paz getting her insides readjusted didn't happen early in the game.
They were the best thing out there at the time. The closest competition was Compaq and they were miles off.