
Having worked in numerous places, and owning my own consulting company. OS X is for developers and designers. Whether you like it or not. Your personal preference does not indicate it’s purpose.

No you don’t HAVE to do it on a Mac. The only thing you HAVE to do is compile it on a OS X Platform. So head yourself over to MacMiniColo or MacMiniVault and purchase a server for 50$/Month then turn around and compile on that. Or use one of the shared compiler services floating around the internet.

“I am certain the only reason developers purchase macs for development is because you literally cannot produce an iPhone app without a mac. Even if you are developing using xamarin in visual studio on a windows machine, when it comes to compilation of the app you need a machine running macOS.”

Spoken like a true city slicker. There are still places in the US so remote they don’t have electricity or roads.

I contemplated commenting really really hard. Sometimes theres something that’s just so stupid.. It deserves no fan-fair, no comment. It deserves to disappear into oblivion.

But let’s take this one by one.

1. You owned a Rotary - Cool, That doesn’t make you an expert on rotary engines. No does it make your points any

You’re looking at this wrong.. People who distrust their Government die in more car crashes because their Government is purging them. If they’re not with the Government they’re against the Government and deserve death!

I don’t have a problem with it. Even now when gas went from 1.30 to 2.50 where I live. I’m just saying don’t expect a restriction on a commodity to not result in price increases.

Hey guess what - Gas went up.

“As it currently stands, a driver under suspicion of distracted driving will be under extreme pressure to unlock their phone to prove their innocence, giving officers full access to everything on a handset. A new system that took the investigative duties away from the officer and into the hands of an unbiased machine

I wasn’t making that argument - You just invoked a strawman fallacy.

I merely said that by restricting the supply of oil - you will increase prices. By all accounts Obama has opened up the supply of oil in his term. Things like reducing sanctions on Iran, Allowing Fracking, etc have all increased the supply of oil.

Gas is cheap in part by the drilling. You can’t put restrictions on the flow of any commodity and expect it to stay cheap.

This is how all Level3+ Bullet proof vests work. The ceramic plates break the bullet and themselves. Then the inner Kevlar prevents it from penetrating the body.

Still hurts like hell though.

What exactly were you expecting to happen at the Republican Dinner? Blood sacrifices? Satanic Worship?

Despite the rhetoric in many Gawker articles - Republicans are very much normal and arguably not much different than you.

OP, I’m with you. 6’4, 380lbs. Car feels fine to me.

“Who has time to type out that goddamned tome of extraneous words up there, WHILE IN A MEETING?”

Maybe she’s in one of those “special meetings” the kind held off campus in a sleezy hotel with a boss named Durango?

Socialist* You're a Socialist.

Now playing

Hes not clueless he's absolutely correct. A Hollow Point bullet mushrooms and catches tissue as it goes into the person. A FMJ separates the tissue in a forward slicing motion. The hollow points rip and tear flesh on their way in. Thus the drag on a hollow point is significantly larger than a FMJ.

As much as you may

It's not because we left, and it's not because we stayed. This is essentially a battle between Sunni's and Shi'ites in Iraq. A battle which has raged on in one form or another for a very very long time. When we left we left Iraq with a Government primarily made up of Shi'ites. Because of this the Sunni's felt

No. Sunni's and Shi'ites have been at war for longer than the US has been a Country.

But it's because we went to war with Iraq in 2003 right? Sorry, No.

Yes, they clarified those passengers. It was determined they were involved in Human Smuggling. They were trying to smuggle themselves to other countries.