
I Apologize, I was reading something else when I wrote this and mixed the terms. My point still stands. Just because a person is a Psychopath does not mean they cannot chose to overcome it.

Funny enough some people prefer to being shot. If you're shot it can severe nerve endings and you really wont feel the pain but the shock.

I've been tasered, it's required to be certified to carry one. The barbs aren't that bad IMO. It's the feeling of your entire body going numb that gets me.

Although widely believed... A Stun Gun (As Pictured) is not a Taser. A taser has barbs and these barbs are meant to go inside of you. If you're unlucky the barbs will penetrate the coat (prob not), and then you will still be shocked.

There's always that one commenter "Well don't comment illegally!"

Some laws are traps and should never be laws. Other laws are not enforced correctly. Such as dropping the yellow light time on a traffic light, Or not up-keeping paint on a specified parking zone.

Get off my lawn.

IIRC Hitler was never really elected. However, His party was because he used power and coercion to harm those against him.

However I will admit; There is a certain Romanticism (reminds me of Greek/Roman) about it that is great. But once you see it in real life.. It's not the same.

"San Francisco is fantastic. I'm admittedly biased because I live here, but behind all the headlines of late—skyrocketing housing prices, burgeoning class war, tech bubble 2.0—it's still chock full of weird, wonderful, and just plain beautiful stuff. "

You forgot; Extremely Bad Traffic, Absolutely no decent parking

I always find it comical how people go "Bro I own a gun and you don't need that!" .. I'm sorry, My genitals are fine. However, there may be an argument of concern for the genitals of those who wish to control what others can and cannot own.

Perhaps if you actually spent some time studying the issues in which you

But what if someone built fast lanes where only certain types of cars were allowed to travel? And what if someone toll booths along the road that already exists, just so that other cars had to pay extra to use the road? What if some cars were kicked off the road completely?

Way to fear monger. This doesn't enhance the ability to kill people. In-fact a standard bullet is much more damaging than this could ever be.

Please, Read up on bullet ballistics and the effect on the human body before writing about bullets.

Good to know, thanks!

Like I said, Wife+Kid(s). You'd need much more than a studio or single bedroom.

Budget priced how? A person making 30K with a wife/kid could barely afford 1200$/Mo In a place like the Bronx or Oakland. Once you factor in a car, maintenance, food, etc. The budget is gone.

A single person making 30K a year could afford a one bed room sure...

It would be interesting to see the actual cost of rent in places like this. Even though they're deemed "low income" i would imagine their rent is still out of the reach of your average low income renter.

Touche Sir, Touche.

I'm sure it wont take someone a bachelors degree to realize the fallacy in this title. A bachelors degree is not a direct correlation to how educated a person is. Many people that have degrees are incredibly stupid. Meanwhile some of the richest people in the United States have dropped out of college.

Outside the EU they charge for it; In the EU it ships with it. That's the law.