
Many people are looking at N. Korea through the lends of the Middle East. This is entirely understandable and relatable. However it is incorrect. We need to be looking at N. Korea through the lens of our actions in South America.

If America were to attack N Korea, and if America had the backing of China and Russia were

(Was right the first time.)

It’s about midnight, on a back road in Montana. This road is a service road to a Dam called Rainbow Dam. The road is called Rainbow Dam Road. It’s windy, it’s curvy, it’s got a 50+ foot cliff drop on the left side, and sometimes a rock face, sometimes a field on the other side. No one drives up and down this road,

Where this guy used AutoPilot - /NO/ Tesla owner should be using it. It was a dark, poorly dimmer road, with faded lines and those that weren’t faded had vegetation growing over them. On this two lane road it had wooden beams for guard rails. There were numerous curves, small bridges and creeks.

Chill, it was for like 5 minutes. Or what most call a “time-out”.

My five year old did this last week because I wouldn’t give him ice cream. He was grounded. There is no difference here. What the Democrats are throwing a fit about is that the Republicans won’t cave to their “Gun Control”.

Spoken like a true city slicker. There are still places in the US so remote they don’t have electricity or roads.

I contemplated commenting really really hard. Sometimes theres something that’s just so stupid.. It deserves no fan-fair, no comment. It deserves to disappear into oblivion.

But let’s take this one by one.

1. You owned a Rotary - Cool, That doesn’t make you an expert on rotary engines. No does it make your points any

You’re looking at this wrong.. People who distrust their Government die in more car crashes because their Government is purging them. If they’re not with the Government they’re against the Government and deserve death!

This is how all Level3+ Bullet proof vests work. The ceramic plates break the bullet and themselves. Then the inner Kevlar prevents it from penetrating the body.

Still hurts like hell though.

What exactly were you expecting to happen at the Republican Dinner? Blood sacrifices? Satanic Worship?

Despite the rhetoric in many Gawker articles - Republicans are very much normal and arguably not much different than you.

OP, I’m with you. 6’4, 380lbs. Car feels fine to me.

I Apologize, I was reading something else when I wrote this and mixed the terms. My point still stands. Just because a person is a Psychopath does not mean they cannot chose to overcome it.

Now playing

The development for something like Pixelmator on Linux is much steeper. Removing the fact of using WebKit WebViews as controls, You have to write a great deal more code when using GTK, or QT. The Widgets and support isn't necessarily there. Which means you have to code each of the Widgets.

Plus, the linux community

Mavericks got released for free for all OSX Users. Upgrade?

Yeah, It just doesn't respect the fifth freedom. Developer freedom.

The suspects are maybe 50 yards and from an elevated position any person with any firearm range time and experience would have been able to make the shot.

That being said an AR15 in the window at a recessed position would have ended this shootout in moments.

Legally the shooter would be fine because he believed another

You also have over 300,000,000 Guns, compared to 200,000,000 Cars. So, what IS the ratio?

You're logic is incorrect. Both Car's and Guns have purposes. Both Car's and Guns can be used to Murder. Both Car's and Gun's can be used improperly and result in Accidental death. Both Car's and Gun's have rules.

What is the

No, I'm saying it's different.

Purposefully/Intentionally killing someone is a thought out planned event. It is defined as homicide or murder.

Accidentally killing or harming someone implies no malice forethought which means it is not murder or homicide. It is manslaughter or accidental death.

Killing someone is a vague

Neither, It is the operator of the vehicle/firearm that commits murder.

Also, you need to differentiate between "kill" and "murder". Biiiiiig Difference.