
I think the government might have been less prone to abuse it’s people, and possibly Putin never would have arrived in power. Hard to say though.

And you ask why 2nd amendment advocates are defending their right as fervently as they are. You’ve answered your own question. Your Utopia is my Dystopia. Your “reasonable” restrictions essentially ban guns to everyone but the exceedingly rich who can afford the bureaucracy.

While I don’t want war and the run up compares to Iraq, the outcome won’t. NK is bordered by China and South Korea. They are both vested in a post war rebuilding of NK. There is not the religious turmoil and sectarian violence that precipitated the insurgency in Iraq. I don’t expect a long term boots on the ground

It was as if Ferrari decided to leave Formula One for a regional dirt track series in the American South.

*standing ovation*

I love that this has already got over 10k donated.

No, it’s cheap through the personal aura of Obama’s benevolent feelings. Drilling and supply simply don’t count, and when restricting drilling leads to eventual price increases, the correct response to people who invoke notions of supply and demand is a mocking “thanks Obama”. You will then have culturally signaled

This is why taxonomy is not scientific in the way that other parts of science are. If aliens came to our solar system, they would measure many, many things exactly the same as we do. They would measure the speed of light the same; they would measure the mass of various planets the same; they would measure a whole host

“Engage people with what they expect; it is what they are able to discern and confirms their projections. It settles them into predictable patterns of response, occupying their minds while you wait for the extraordinary moment — that which they cannot anticipate.” Sun Tzu - The Art of War

See this is why we can't ever fight Russia. They get pelted with out of control ordinance and while I don't understand Russian, the cameraman was definitely saying "So what do you guys want for lunch today?".

The title isn't a fallacy. It merely states that the map shows how educated the population is. It never equates education with intelligence. While most people believe that greater education generally implies greater intelligence, I know very few people who would say that it is remotely close to a 1-1 correlation.

The NRA is concerned with our rights to bear arms as spelled out in the 2nd Amendment. If they spent all of their time and money on every ill-conceived liberal threat across the nation they would be far to spread out to be effective.

Unfortunately there is no way to downvote your misinformed opinion which is based on the ignorance of history and present reality.