
Part of the app is still built in HTML5. The new app utilizes tempting and caching a lot more to provide a quicker speed. It also utilizes a different method for scrolling which makes it faster.

Sure, but that difference is very small when it comes to apps of this kind.

I suspected this.... It seems they've implemented pre-caching a lot more.

The new FB App does one thing differently. They Pre-Cache MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY things now. As opposed to before when they didn't. They also clear or hide any elements unseen but they remain in the background.

Alot of Javascript can be harmful. Try ditching iscroll for "-webkit-overflow-x: touch"

... my dead ex-wife whos turned into a zombie and eaten my ...

Why not go over the shingles with a resin to prevent corrosion and also ensure a water tight seal? I dont think it will harm the reflectivity of the shingles much; which should still result in less heat transfer.

AHHHHHH I dont use CDs anymore. I have not found a decent way to burn the ISO to a USB Stick to make it work right. Even using uNetbootin and it doesn't want to load!

Needs Quasar to make the complete package!

These islands will never sink! Just like that Titanic ship! Unsinkable I tell you!

They're just.. Fast and Furious with their gun sales.

I agree! I wish... I hope it is...

Yeeeeaaaah. Thats debatable and a horrid analogy. Not everyone agrees with you on gun control. But probably everyone agrees that forced censorship on the internet is bad. So theres a difference.

I'd be more worried about the radiation from said coal plant.

THANK GOD. This extension is much better.

They're simply not doing it right. You need to cache all the HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Makes the initial load time a little longer. But makes the app overall faster. Use the method similar to www.LungoJs.com

Their torque is different than a piston engine because the torque curve is flat. They have some torque you just dont feel it as much.

Im sorry, I didn't realize you can tell the difference between 1440 x 760 and 2880 x 1440