
Ding. Ding. As someone who wears a uniform. No one knows how easy it is to make shit up and fuck up your rights as I do.

The issue is this gives them but another vessel to breach our rights.

You're right, thats about the extent of the stop. However they can still write you a ticket. Or have a dog "sniff" the vehicle.

Case Law. Look it up. The Opportunity to have a license is a right. Once you are issued said license it cannot be suspended or revoked without due process; making it a right. Supreme Court case from a DUI.

"If they were paid as much as their responsibility dictated, they wouldn't pull stunts like this."

Yo, dawg... heard you like tablets.....

"I think one offence qualifies a person to be on a private watch list of some kind with the police so they can seek employment "

I believe so.

Thats in regards to everything. Your FB Feed is weird. Sometimes it doesn't show updates from people you dont interact with often. Ive noticed this myself. I don't think it has anything to do with the featured system; its just how the newer FB Feeds work.

I don't believe thats correct. It simply posts it at the top of X people's fb wall and highlights it.

People dying of hunger is not his fault nor his problem. Blame the Governments who use food to control the populace.

Bu.. Bu.. Bu... But Its the Government. They've come to protect the shit out of you!

Your right, It's California. They've already phased out 2/3rd of our Police Force.

Those issues are well overblown and if your ipad does have an issue, apple will fix it and stand by you.

So is losing thousands of dollars worth of software. I wont even encrypt, if needed i'll simply scramble them with some noise and an algorithm in my head.

Just take out the hard drive, and yet they would if they swapped the motherboard.

Seriously.. if you can't change a hard drive you fail.

Mythbusters had a whole episode on this that was pretty detailed.

How about instead of insults you actually bring facts to the argument? Care to cite some ordinances?