
Because those would have been actually digging up dirt. First off, trespassing requires that a person be asked to leave and refuse. So he couldn't be hit for trespassing. Second/third, illegal parking/obstruction of plate would not have worked because it was an accident and there was nothing the owner did to willfully

Please see my above comment.

Not entirely. Some Officers and Departments are required to write a ticket if they feel the crime meets said citation. Officer's Discretion isn't for letting people off; its for choosing to give someone a citation to appear in court as opposed to arresting them. Also, its there for the Officer to determine whether or

Steve, I also wear a uniform and am handles to De-escalate situations as well. I'm well aware of the rampant corruption and evil politics. But heres the thing... You can't just blame every Officer for another's failures. That was my point.

Its possible your husband didn't show any signs of being intoxicated.

Oh shove it.

It's funny how everyone on here is saying the cop is a dick. He's not he was doing his job.

"Microsoft's solution to the limited time available to access the boot menu is... to junk the option altogether. In other words, you'll lose the ability to alter boot settings before the OS has loaded entirely."

Yet another reason to hate windows 8. I have never used the Windows F8 menu unless there was a catastrophic error that was not able to be fixed from inside... meaning the login screen. So now what am I supposed to do?

Oh C'mon! They were just going to RaceTrack Road!

Hey, they can trample the second, fourth, and fifth amendments. Whats another amendment to trample on?

I would have divorced her dumb-ass.

All females have Vajayjay's. Shes not special, only your relationship with her is. So keep the relationship, stand your ground and get a mistress. Fuck her. Us men have the dick too.

Hope ya got a prenup.

If he still has a stub; they can rebuild it from thigh tissue. >.>

Sometimes when they say "X might happen!" what they're really saying is the car is broken...

It's not the first time steve jobs has been wrong about something and doubled back. Suggests he had the ability to grow.

All the movement and water sloshing will kill the carbonation.

I can see this happening. The retina display was reported for 2 years. This is been about 2 years. So i can see it becoming reality. It seems with apple some of the rumors aren't a matter of IF. But more a matter of WHEN.