
"And that alone still makes them dangerous as hell."

usb -> ethernet adaptor that comes with every macbook air.

10 Dollars says it has a Law Enforcement Exemption.

Nope, I actually applied brakes before the turn. I had the proper spaces and such, idealy I would have been fine. The thing I did not anticipate was I just came off a slight incline and my tires were in the air/cars weight was not fully on the tires when I applied brakes.

Canyon Carving, going over 110Mph, Hitting a bump while braking. Leading up to a 255 foot skid off a cliff into the Missouri river.

I bet the wife did it to mess with him :O

Your logic is a fallacy. Science has shown people who sleep less have more of a tendency to gain weight. But according to you.. those who are lazy and no doubt sleep more... are the fatties?

"only some get bothered by rape and if affects them for a while they get over it."

No, you cannot. However using Phonegap you can make a HTML5 App and package it natively.

Theres 2 darts. Usually one drops, its not unlikely that the dart ascended from the intended target area.

Giz?! Due Diligence... WHAT?! You're asking too much.

Supreme Court states Due Process must occur before a license can be suspended or revoked. That clause was challenged in court and the SC stated it cannot happen w/e due process.

Supreme Court trumps state law. Read the brief in Michigan State Polie vs. Sitz. They rule that DUI Checkpoints are legal if conducted as stated. Of course states can make DUI Checkpoints Illegal on their own accord. But they can also state they're legal.

In some vehicles sure. Different calibration system and techniques etc. It's not always intentional but does happen. GPS is more accurate but can be fallible. If you look/ride in a police vehicle their speedometers are calibrated to be perfect according to radar also.

Speedometers vary by many different things. Change your tires? Tire psi too lose? Get bigger/smaller rims? etc.. etc..

He couldn't have taken your for trespassing because you had accepted to leave. A Security Officer cannot keep you on property against your will unless you're under arrest. Furthermore, trespassing shows a willful intent to stay on property. If you're advised to leave and you refuse then you can be booked on

Wait... you mean you dont have to pay extra?

The checkpoints are not illegal. Under Michigan State Police v. Sitz the Supreme Court ruled that a dui checkpoint is legal when conducted as the court dictated.

Afaik; Technically just being behind the wheel while drinking can be a DUI, even when stopped. Furthermore by drinking the can inside the vehicle he just broke open container laws.

Request a Blood Test. If they refuse to give it to you; your defense just got even bigger.