
Or is it that she is trapped in a messy prison of her own creative talents, wishing to break free and embrace a new life, a life that is too pristine to last, too ethereal to exist for very long on this cruel planet, but that is her one, true self?

As a former art school student, I can guarantee you this is an absolutely accurate depiction of Real Fine Art Making on a Tuesday or Wednesday. The only thing missing is a few smears of paint upon her bosoms. But we Real Fine Art People don’t judge gifted amateurs, no matter what They say.

Yeah, royalty and extremely wealthy locals from old families are the only people connected enough to truly operate above the law. Their guests too, to a degree, but the hospitality does run out sometimes. I lived there for 3 years; not that long in the grand scheme, but long enough to see the “Saudi Vegas” image is

None of the sex addicts I’ve worked with committed sexual assault. They typically engaged in risky consensual behavior and porn addiction. I’m not saying it never happens. It’s just the sexual assault and harassment are rarely about sexual compulsion and more often about asserting one’s power. I would say that

It’s both. Weinstein’s an example of the latter.

Right. He’d be opening himself up to 8 million questions about stuff I can’t believe he would ever want to go under oath about. And keep in mind there are a whole bunch of other alleged victims who aren’t under NDAs who could then seek access to the depositions even if he somehow got a protective order.

She makes me want to put my fist in the air. It’s so uplifting that in a world of absolute shit that there are people like her fighting like hell for the silenced. What a woman.

He will be bankrupted if he attempts to sue every person that breaks an NDA. It’s up to about 30 as of today.

Not so much “arbitrary” as “protective of abusive men.”

It’ll cost her the legal fees when he sues her (which will surely be a lot), but he’ll absolutely lose. NDAs cannot cover illegal acts.

Yes, he could, assuming what we think we know is correct. But as a lawyer, that’s not a case I’d want to litigate. For starters, if indeed there was a rape, that would supersede the NDA. You can’t use NDAs to hide crimes.

Go Rose, fucking go. You’re singing for ALL of us.

She is a warrior.

Lmaoooo bitch a pillow isnt gonna help we need Jesus lolol

Do you remember the story about how the kid was writing a paper with headphones on and there was writing all over the house that said “LOOK AT ME”? It still haunts me and that was I think like 3 years ago.

Sometimes I think it’s as simple as: the boobs are there and they want to. Note what is NOT considered—the possible feelings of the owner of said boobs.

It doesn’t matter if you want the help if you are just straight up mentally ill. Lindsey Lohan reminds me of a female family member I have who is about her age. I think that she is someone who actually would benefit from being institutionalized periodically. I understand why we no longer have paternalistic mental

She probably figures that Harvey is going to try for a comeback and if she’s the only actress on his side, she’d get the part.

I think she’s saying “horrible rich men, I will stand up for you when things are rough so please continue to protect me.” The fact that she calls out Chapman makes that crystal clear.

Well, I have never been to the moon, so the moon landing was faked.