Thank you.
Thank you.
I’m going to be completely honest with you. I like you. I’ve always found your commentary to be good, and I really like the U.K. Update. But in a couple of conversations over this weekend, several other jezzies have said that you in particular have a habit of running over other people. I didn’t see what they meant, so…
I went to a high school in a really, really wealthy suburb (my family was really, really unwealthy), and there was a type of rich boy, all of them trust fund brats, sort of the Midwestern, North Shore equivalent of Diaper Don. They all had expensive cars and shitty attitudes. When I was young, I hated and feared them.…
He’s worse than that.
Okay, here’s where I chime in with a real-life Kim Catrall story featuring my Dad: so, for awhile Dad was a mapper in the Hamptons on Long Island, and has been to many celebrity homes. He’s also a super-unimpressed dude, and had mostly neutral to negative things to say about them, but he LOVED Kim. He had no idea who…
Ha! You just explained my role at work to perfection. I feel your pain, Kristin!
Let us not forget that there actually was a sequel to Mannequin called Mannequin 2: On The Move (I am not making this up) and they managed to make it without Kim Cattrall. They literally moved on, it’s right there in the title. It can be done, SJP.
Good for Kim Cattrall for saying no and standing firm. Why portray a caricature of a once great character? Also, IF she was demanding and wanted more money or one of her projects produced, I don’t blame her for that either. She was really underpaid during most of the show’s run. She was the one putting the “Sex” in Sex…
A failure to raise boys with the understand that we’re equal, basically. This is reinforced by society as a whole, in that this behavior is allowed to continue without consequence. Fortunately it’s becoming less and less acceptable, but it still seems to be pretty bad out there.
So the dude grad assistant saw all this and did nothing? All these years later and he only admits his “regret” now because the poor woman got tenure and felt safe to report it? Fuck his regrets, that coward.
It’s not just a hipster veneer, it’s an extremely surface level commitment to wokeness in it’s most performative way.
Your name has “Dad” in it.
Welcome to real world where I can criticize people for their choices.
Bloom has made her career representing women bringing cases claiming they’ve been sexually harassed or assaulted by men with power and money: Blac Chyna; Kathy Griffin; Janice Dickinson; an unnamed Trump rape accuser; a few of the many women suing Fox News for sexual harassment; Quantasia Sharpton, who alleges Usher…
I have expectations because of the cases she’s taken in the past, not because of her biology. You’re projecting.
You don’t have a right to have any lawyer you want represent you. It is a mutual agreement between lawyer and client. No one cares that Harvey Weinstein chose Lisa Bloom as his PR lawyer for this; they care that Lisa Bloom chose to be Harvey Weinstein’s PR lawyer.
Huh. I routinely turn away clients I dont like, for example a client who comes to me to remove a restraining order against their spouse after they beat them and were convicted of it.
While the client has a right to a defense, Bloom can still turn down the job if she finds Harv to be a despicable person. And she certainly doesn’t need to partner up with him on a film project.
I must have missed the court order appointing her as his attorney.