
you’re hysterics dictate your intellect

Your 3rd reason is, uh, not a great one

There was no outside source that forced the sex on them, so they can’t all be victims. It was Bev’s idea. So you can’t even say that the monster forced them to have sex. Bev was rightly weirded out by remembering that she had sex with all of her friends. The whole experience was traumatizing, not just that she

Exactly. When you’re employed in an industry that is all about telling women how they should look, then I do think you have a certain responsibility to stay within healthy boundaries. It’s not about discriminating against women who are struggling with weight issues. In fact I think it’s the opposite - refusing to

Europe is not France and France is not Europe and even France has laws against rape and child molestation. You’re just too caught up in your ‘Murican exceptionalism and ignorance to realize.

Quick, which western country is not a participant in the Intermational Criminal Court in The Hague and therefore can not be held accountable for war crimes? We’ll give you this one rapist and you give us your countless war criminals of your countless illegal wars around the world over the last decades. How’s that?

The whole continent of Europe, 51 independent states as of today, with 51 legal systems support rape and child molestation? Are you sure, you of the ‘land of the free, and the home of the mass shootings’?

Even beyond the grossness of his certainty that everyone is a pedophile, it’s more than a little telling that Polanski doesn’t include women in his concept of “everyone.”

I’m absolutely for it. It’s false advertising and if we managed to get around the stupid finger pointing that accompanies any discussion of beauty (“You’re just jealous because you’re not pretty!”) we’d see it clearly.

Forget race and religion, that’s just how racist America frames the question. More to the point: all of these shootings are done by MEN.
It doesn’t seem to matter if it is mental illness X toxic masculinity, religion X toxic masculinity, or conspiracy theorist X toxic masculinity. See?
Men. All men. Not because men

I would think that would be covered under the“fleshing out” part of the law.

This is absolutely fantastic.

There’s also the tax benefit to getting married in the US and it’s a short hand for a lot of benefits that I believe can be created in other ways in other countries. For example, healthcare. When my husband and I married,we were able to stop paying taxes on the healthcare I received from his employer as his domestic

Ugh Taylor swift? Really?

Q: How do know if someone is in a poly relationship?

BBC America used to show The Inbetweeners, which was a Channel 4 show. They also used to air “Ed vs. Spencer” which I think was a Sky 1 show, Footballers Wives wasn’t BBC either. BBC America isn’t owned by the BBC, so they pretty much just air whatever they want.

Exactly. He actually added to misogynoir. Black women as sex toys is not freeing, it’s just a differently shaped prison.

This is getting exhaustingly pedantic, Kristy, but your citation supports my point. It is not interchangeable with “try again” unless there is a question mark. Forgive me for not realizing you were making the world’s stupidest pun.

He was a civil rights pioneer though. He believed that women of every creed and color should be treated like equally disposable trash. That’s got to count for something, right?

It is bizarre. I think the hair bleaching (tanning, boobing, etc.) acts more as a signifier of wanting to conform and please. Many people find *that* attractive in a woman. #NotAllFakeBlondes