What a nonsensical loudmouth. That guy who interrupted him seems like a jerk too.
What a nonsensical loudmouth. That guy who interrupted him seems like a jerk too.
Is losing your fourth leading scorer a big deal? Because it’s Saturday morning and I’m lounging in bed while my girlfriend is out of town (if you care, I’ll be getting high tonight and sitting on the couch watching bad movies and eating waffles and ice cream), here are all NBA teams’ fourth leading scorers.
In at least some areas, that doesn’t meet fire code. But that’s only a problem when you sell the house, or if someone gets injured in a fire.
My kid doesn’t know how to wipe his own ass, let alone unlock a door :)
To make it a little better, the recommendation is to use a deadbolt keyed on both sides.
Most can’t hence the situation this entire article is based upon.... Eventually this bubble is going to burst. People can’t keep borrowing so much. Leases help with that if they make sense for you, but as for myself and my wife, we drive too many miles per year to make a lease work, so I’ll just continue to pick up…
If I had to die, being blown to death would pretty much be at the top of my list.
In America, we use words like “grit” to describe players who are willing to get dirty and like “captain” for those who will do anything for their teammates.
Just goes to show that GM is truly innovative - they’ve had vibrating trim panels years before everyone else.
Hey now, Donald Trump (you know, the PRESIDENT) was quoted as saying that the Golden Knights have a great name, just really tremendous. The best, really.
I for one will be disappointed if Golden State chooses not to go to Washington. Opportunities like this come along once in a lifetime, if that. I think the Warriors, provided they receive an invitation, had better think long and hard about how to respond. It is a personal meeting with the Goddamn President of the…
The ability to act as a wall charger and a USB battery pack powered the Anker PowerCore Fusion to a comfortable…
I’ve got better odds of Scarlett Johansson calling me up and offering to blow me than this idiot has of becoming Bill’s friend again.
With a goal and a fight last night, Malkin was only a rigging of a US presidential election away from the Vladimir Putin Hat Trick.
Young bystander: Hey officer, how many pills did you find on Mr. Waltman?
More proof that hockey doesn’t work in Canada.
Maybe he was just trying to tell the world that he’s got a real problem with compulsively masturbating, and he really wants help for it?
Not to stand on a soapbox here (he says as he’s about to just that), but this is just another case of why I’ve always rolled my eyes at the “the South is so racist” comments that people make these days. There is plenty of racism in the North. I’ve lived for a good amount of time (roughly a decade or more in each) in…
At least he died doing what he loved, delaying a motorist at a crossroad.