
I mean, sure, fuck white people. The system is fucked, I get it — I agree. And, I know, you don’t want or need my support. That’s cool. Do whatever you want to do and say whatever you want to say — you’re the one suffering, not me, so I’m not going to freak out when you lash out.

And by writing this up the way Aaron did, he’s triggered a bunch of idiots in the comments below taking as he has presented, that somehow the judges can’t define ‘perform’ according to our colloquial expectations (mixing up a process from an outcome - they did perform a tire rotation, they just performed it poorly

Spoilers! I’m in the field on a very slow cell connection trying to torrent the race and I check jalerpnork and never see race results except for every time there’s a race and this completely ruined it for me!

“Also, the Lightning choked.”

I grew up in Vancouver and one of my close, lifelong friends is of Punjabi descent.

Glad you’re still here, Drew. And honestly, few of us can remember puking all over Petchesky’s pants, actually. 

This certainly seems like the correct legal ruling, and people shouldn’t let their political leanings, their hatred of the Patriots, or those incorrect reports of a link to human trafficking get in the way of seeing that the cops overreached in this case, and that threatens all of our privacy. I’m glad he had the the

No shit. Some of us enjoyed the shit out of it. People acting personally offended are like DC fanboys. Fucking garbage people.

I bet the pilots were giddily requesting their ground speed readout from ATC, only to be one-upped by some asshole in an SR-71. 

Right? This is like saying that replacement Blackhawks goalie Scott Foster, a 36 year old accountant who pitched a shutout over 14 minutes, should be paid like$10,000 for his time like a full-time goalie would.

I’m so sick of the Pats-Brady hate that I’ve been forced to become a fan. Thanks a lot!

I just wish whoever was watching Baywatch would fess up. I just want to know who got that on my queue.


They don’t try to hurt people?! They blew up Vince McMahon’s limo and killed him!

Seriously. Who among us hasn’t gotten tapped on the head when we’ve gone down in the box?

This is why populations decline. We reach a level of prosperity where all the handbrakes disappear, girls stop being impressed with sweet handbrake turns, and pretty soon we go extinct as a species.

Pole position has a completely different meaning over at Jezebel. I think it’s time auto racing should switch the phrase to something else before someone gets recreationally offended and demands social justice.

Cool, but like, you want to buy a battery pack or something? 

Cool, but like, you want to buy a battery pack or something?