
You there - You with the nuanced understanding of this situation and its non-relation to actual resistance to actual tyranny and/or human rights abuses - You shut your whore mouth!

People are ragging on this lady for something she may not know. The defending champ lost with the lead AND got the question RIGHT in final Jeopardy because she either a) doesn’t know basic bidding strategy or b) is sexist and assumed all these women would get it wrong.

Really? The old systematic mindset fallback? I’m sorry if women are an afterthought in racing. Unfortunately that usually occurs when the participants have only been relevant for a short period of time and have not participated consistently at a high level. That’s the mentality of it and how it works, not trying

Rumor has it the cheerleaders were also part of a pyramid scheme.

“These people have awful names.”

I went to high school with Peter Budaj in Toronto. I’ll always remember him as the dude who seemed to have a class schedule made entirely of spare periods, in the library on old Slovak IRC chats while introducing the rest of us to goatse, heavy.com, and the remainders of the bowels of the early Internet.

Hey Tom, it’s OJ—I’m eligible for parole in October if you need some help...

Hi, I read a lot of Deadspin stuff. I’ve had to endure a lot of sour puss New York trash people complain about Boston, the Patriots (and plenty of other people and things). I don’t really care, because most of it is funny and in good jest. But god damn I love the hate seething from your trash pile of a city and

yes, theres a very good reason, period.

“It Was In His Gut, It Was In His Pants, It Was On Our Bench: The Antonin Scalia Story”

I can’t blame Nelson for wanting to stay on one side. You saw what happened to the last Viking who was fond of the switch.

Meriweather: Mr. Belichick, the bartender was hoping he could get paid now.

Actually it doesn’t sound like that bad of an idea to me. And after people go to a game, they can stop at Ice Town on the way home.

How coincidental, Triple H will be our bond rating after the Trump Presidency.

We’re a society that throws people away. Rob a store when you’re 19? Spend years in prison being raped, mentally, and physically beaten, and told you are human garbage. Then when they’ve served their debt to society, slap them with a permanent “felon” label, strip their voting rights away, and then have the audacity

or give him a cheeseburger

Iran-style martyrdom: taking one in the chest on camera.