Disagree, but it doesn’t really matter because Elsa Pataky is hotter than both of them and because she married Chris and not Liam, his life is by default perfect.
Disagree, but it doesn’t really matter because Elsa Pataky is hotter than both of them and because she married Chris and not Liam, his life is by default perfect.
Maybe you’re an asshole?
My kid’s been a hellion for days. Husband put a cardigan on her today and I swear even her hair was calmer. Tiny librarian.
The Kardashians throw out the word “Bible” a lot when they want you to know they’re telling the TRUTH. “I swear on the bible I”m not lying.”
Who is that?
Blac Chyna, his pregnant fiancée, was not invited to her own baby shower
The movie was based on his autobiography, and detailed his life as he had lived it up until that point. As a listener and fan, I don’t ever find myself thinking that he isn’t being totally honest about or taking responsibility for his actions. I always thought that transparency was the backbone of his entire career.
They got divorced 4 years after the movie and had been married for 23 years. It's probably more complicated than you make it out in this comment
It took too long of a scroll to get here.
“It’s sadly common...” You are being patronizing and disrespectful right now. Alexis’s family did NOT “misgender” him. They were supportive of hist transitions, which were multiple, and his evolving pronoun preferences. Ironically, it is you who are erasing their support and love in order to make his narrative fit…
I kind of read the exact opposite from this statement. It feels like Alexis’s brother was being very careful in his use of language and was very respectful of Alexis’s preferences/wishes.
If you are paying close attention to you will see that at time of death Alexis was going by male pronoun. Please make a note of it.
Beets aren’t candy, they’re evil.
I’m sorry, just the smell of beets makes me want to puke.
I am volunteering to be the official Jezebel Duggar Reporter. I am way too obsessed with them and I need an outlet for my crazy. It can be a weekly feature on dirtbag- The Dirty Duggars: What will we dig up next!
Hasn’t Matthew McCarthy been paying attention to what happens when you make such a ruckus about how holier than thou you are??
I think it’s less that the piercing itself is gross and more that guys with penis piercings are gross.
I can’t get past the sanctimonious crap the non-famous friend of TS posted. If I wasn’t team Kim and Kanye before, all that prayer shit pushed me right over the edge.
Stranger Things is really good.