Sassy Pants

I’m actually related to the character in the film who was shot and eaten in real life (Owen Coffin), but even I didn't see this movie.

I know I’m not the only one who wishes they could give Anna a big hug and treat her to a day of pampering. It wouldn't change her circumstances, of course, but she deserves to indulge in some self-care. I've always liked her.

It makes no sense to you because it makes no sense. Sigh.

I’m entitled to sick days but my boss has said more than once that just because I have them “doesn’t mean I should use them.” I just ... it’s awful.

I get 10 vacation days and 5 sick/personal days.

I got dinged on a performance review for taking a paid sick day when I had bronchitis. I gave up trying to take sick days after that.

Hey, Kris: Are “shinanigans” some kind of new leg exercise? #dadjoke

That's overly optimistic.

You're right. It adds a new dimension to an existing scandal.

No, thank God! Madeleine writes the evening Dirtbag.

Not that I know of. He does the morning Dirtbag; Madeleine does the evening edition.

It's not just Duggar programming. Anna's parents have long subscribed to the same fuckery.

“Like many young men, he got a little too curious about sexual assault. Please pray for our family as we continue to trust in God’s plan.”

Duggar scandals are like the “Song That Never Ends,” except way more sad. They just go on and on, my friends.

I'll research both. Thank you!

Duhhhhhh! ;)

Funny you should say that! I have a sample-size Nars crayon in that color from Sephora. Love it, but I read that sharpening them can be a pain.

I love Jennifer's lipstick. Can anyone recommend something comparable?

Getting a very strong Monica Lewinsky vibe from Katy in that picture.

Mmhmm. I'll always know how old she is because I'm 7 months older.