Diddler on the Roof

Even though he was one of the better parts of the new star wars. 

wHY dOEsn’T he JuST gO baCK to WHerE hE caME frOm IF hE dOEsn’T LiKE iT hERe???

Now I know what my grandmother meant by wanting to smack someone into Kingdom Come

No no no Trump, when you found "hung gays" in Pence's search history it was referring to something entirely different!

If not a single Black or Brown person voted for Joe Biden, it would still be on White people if they decide to vote Deputy Dipshit back into office. They’ve had four years of reasons why Donald Trump is quite possibly the most garbage president in United States history.

Yeah but other then those and more what other facts are there?

I am against the use of any forms of violence against protesters...but had someone lit up those silent crunkers with a few rounds of pepper spray...I would have understood. 

Well that’s one way she can get him out of the basement at least.

That my friends is EXACTLY what this is all about. He’s literally on film getting his ass kicked BY A TON OF WHITE DUDES, and says 2 black dudes beat him up. That’s racism.

I’m going to set up a fundraising campaign for dontchokeonyourwoke’s mother.

Wow, shooting arrows at people because you don’t like being inconvenienced is a hell of a way to enact “All lives matter”. I’m kind doubting his commitment to that idea, right now.

The US-centric view of everything is a common failing in the US and it’s media. It’s something that those in the US probably don’t notice, but is fairly obvious to the rest of us. A bunch of the claims rely on the US being the only nation on the planet or all other nations working in exactly the same way as the US.

‘may my typos b forgiven but, damnit. That was meant to be profound’

I hate both of these people.

a coincidence is possible, sure. but come on, lol. lebron leads the cavs to the greatest series comeback ever—against the team with the best record ever. and of all the time the pathologically competitive mike had to agree to do the series, with people badgering him about it, this just happened to be the time he said

Love to see Kamala as VP. If not, I think she’d be very effective as AG. Although it would probably take her four years just to untangle the mess Sessions/Barr and his minions have created over there at DOJ’s Civil Rights Division and the ENRD.

They should have had Cassel be the Brazilian president, both in this show and in real life.

The “issue” with The Last Jedi wasn’t ignoring The Force Awakens, but being saddled with the laziness of Awakens. Abrams had no idea for a trilogy, he barely had an idea for that one movie (and that idea was just do A New Hope again, but flashier effects). His storytelling approach has always just been throw shit at

Alabama is my state. The state of my country. The state of my people.. It reflects what is real and true about America. My governor doesn’t give a fuck, my senator just wants other white people to vote for him, my countrymen don’t give a fuck, my president don’t give a fuck. Alot of my OWN people don’t give a fuck.

Lake Show would’ve won it for him this season.