The next Democrat-controlled Senate should make it a law that people only work on stories about people exactly like them. Because of diversity.
The next Democrat-controlled Senate should make it a law that people only work on stories about people exactly like them. Because of diversity.
“Considering that Lang’s story is heavily impacted by his lived cultural experiences as a Chinese man, a film about his life should ideally include prominent involvement from creators that harbor intimate knowledge of (or, you know, have also lived) that experience. Instead...”
If LAPD finds the shooter and instead of jail time gives him 2 weeks paid suspension, then I’ll be as upset about this attack as I am about all the other shit.
“All he wants to do is appeal to his base,” Barry said in a conversation secretly recorded by her niece, Mary L. Trump. “He has no principles. None. None. And his base, I mean my God, if you were a religious person, you want to help people. Not do this.”
Pete Davidson makes it a Bronze medal.
please add a warning: HYPERVENTILATING CAN GET YOU KILLED IF YOU’RE DIVING UNDERWATER. It hides the urge to breathe which is caused by a build up of Co2, and your oxygen levels can drop below the safe zone before you realize it and you’ll pass out.
I am just going to say it....She is to clean.
You mean North Carolina? Come to think of it, this country is a bit of a shythole. Terrible healthcare, people willing to let children be murdered in schools rather than implement gun control, politicians craving a chance to turn it into a theocracy, rampant systemic racism, sexism, and settler colonialism, not to…
Fuck, dude. You can’t just be dropping “corn starch” without a warning.
There’s no fucking way Ben Shapiro’s Doctor Wife talks to Ben Shapiro about her vagina. They probably haven’t even been in the same room as each other. Their kids are probably named Dependent and Lil’ Child Tax Credit.
“As for me, I’m done with the democratic party - never again!”
Everything about this dude is micro-dick energy. Right now he’s explaining you can only touch one wall at a time, or it makes republican Jesus sad. And the only acceptable lube? Corn starch.
I wrote a long response, but then I read your statement again an realised that you are nothing but a racist troll trying to make others think you are a black man who hates the party that actually tries to help black men.
The only thing that disappoints me about this announcement is that Joe didn’t wait until Trump started his latest news conference before dropping the news. The visual of press in the WH briefing suddenly starting to look at their phones while Trump rambles on would be lovely.
He might as well have called it Weak Ass Pundit with the self-ownage he inflicted on himself.
Not to put too fine a point on it, but he did, in fact, ask their permission, and they did, in fact, say ‘yes.’ Farily logical that if you don’t want someone jerking off in front of you, you should say ‘no’ if they ask whether or not they can jerk off in front of you. The logic works in reverse, too, i.e., you can say…
The Russians know white Americans better than white Americans know themselves.
not to split hairs, but among Weinstein/Lauer/Epstein/O’Reilly and, ahem, Letterman? of these things is not like the other indeed.