
I got it. Always reminded me of Al Bundy referring to his touchdown record.

They turned that Benz into a rolling fuel tank and broke every speed limit they found. I’d be interested to see what a Tesla with quadruple the battery storage and same driving ethic would lay down. I’m not a fan of the EV, I’m partial to competition.

I’d be willing to bet there is or will be an addendum to the DHL employee handbook.

It’s unlikely, but possible - I got a complement, through my boss (tow company owner) from a guy whose car I repossessed for the IRS. It’s not difficult to not be an asshole.

This is what happens when you let just anyone have access to a MIG welder. I'd love to give it a close once-over, because those tank straps (and pretty much everything else) seem to have been bought with a Home Depot credit card.

Continuing that logic, you’re going to need a Mahindra and a Lada, too.

Changing the pattern for a manual is surprisingly easy, only one piece for each gate would have to be changed. And that’s if the shifter goes directly into the tranny - cable operated arrangements would be even simpler. I think it would be harder to keep track of having the right pattern on the knob.

I appear to be outvoted on this one, but it’s getting CPed and I’ll tell you why.

Forgive the Captain Obvious nature, but is there any track scenario where an amateur 24 y/o in a Lambo DOESN’T kill someone? I can’t possibly be the only one NOT scratching his head.

There’s apparently enough rust to bleed through the headliner, so “no rust” is bullshit. That color combo is the hide-filler-waves special, and the engine compartment has the typical “I’m a body man, not a mechanic” treatment. FLEX HOSE? I’d pay to have this toilet hauled away.

LOLing at almost 500 comments on this stupid fuckin story. About this all-too-typical drunken, stupid whore. My ex(es) and their friends would sometimes get the same way after enough alcohol, which is why I arrived at my current philosophy (wording borrowed from another commenter on Jalopnik) that if it floats, flies

Triangles are only required in commercial vehicles ‘round these parts. Meaning, the whole country. Where you from, boy? Warning vests and first aid kits? IN CARS?!

I can watch that GIF all ni.......

Hold on a second... The control arm rusted off? So, the chassis is as rotten as the body. The engine doesn't turn? This isn't a barn find, someone dragged it out of a lake.

It varies greatly. Most of the newerish light diesels will self-prime with electric pumps. Common rail systems are the same way. Some of the systems in the in-between technology are nearly impossible to get primed up, like the Mercedes MBEs which actually sometimes require a pressurized canister of fuel to be

As a heavy diesel tech, I literally can't count how many times I was handed a "hopeless" case only to find it was out of fuel. One was a fire truck that recently had the tank replaced, and because the new one didn't have a sending unit in it someone simply grounded the wire - making the gauge read eternally full. I

Torque wrenches are for people who are unaware of the capabilities of air tools.

Mom needs a car, why can’t this be closer? Every 74 y/o great grandma needs a turbo stick I can borrow on the weekend.

Prerequisites for being engaged to an NFL player:

This is the only reason I like new Porsche owners.