
You mean like Top Gear USA?

Netflix subscribers, too. I don't even need to wait for an announcement. It's the biggest boner....

LOL... Words I've been living by and didn't even realize it.

A little pertinent information for Massachusetts; any privately sold vehicle, regardless of "as-is" or "salvage" stipulations on the bill of sale has to be driveable and pass state inspection for 90 days. Yep, a state mandated warranty. It's the seller's choice to repair any subsequent defects or buy it back.

I think they did deserve him, but now it's time for pay cable, where he can really say and do what he wants without a BBC censor breathing down his neck.

As I once heard a wise lawyer say about someone who tried to hire a hitman, do it yourself, do it alone, shut the FUCK UP!

Thank you. Came for this, but the number is more like 350 million, which just makes it more likely.

But... Violence is always the answer, isn't it?

The least condescending thing I can do is refer you to the post you already replied to.

I'm with you... And glad I don't work on Macks - the replacement rails come BLANK.

Sure can. We have guys pulling more than that. Many places do. There should be a lot more.

LOL. Call me when your SmartCruise takes down the J1939, because damn if I can find anyone else to show how to diagnose it.

Not wood... Glass. It shatters like fuckin glass, always where the transverse rods from the rear end bolt up. Straight trucks and ambulances in particular. It always got a round of applause unbolting the box and having six feet of rail hit the floor.

Always get paid up front, dipshit. Pimpin 101.

If anything has ever begged for a Hayabusa engine it's this abomination. Rand Lover go velly fast!

8 hours for a B service? Must be a union shop.

Also, the rails all have "HECHO EN MEXICO" stenciled on them. Another accounting decision, I'm certain.

But... I like that cheesy flavor!

A lightweight frame? Having replaced dozens of shattered framerails on Freightshakers of all sizes, that's the scariest thing I've heard all day. They do push the envelope on emerging technologies but have a tendency to under-engineer basics. I shudder to think what weight saving got done in the name of reliability.

The only truck I'll ever associate with Chuck Norris...