
Still waiting for the setup / punchline that goes with van Hooydonk.

Thanks for summing up what's wrong with our legal system, you ambulance-chasing shyster.

Let's not forget the dead people were participating as well. An unpopular but true statement. They weren't strolling for the evening taking the air.

Why connect the show in the headline if not for pure hate? This didn't happen during filming or to/with a series regular. They obviously go to reasonable lengths on the show in regards to safety. We get it, you don't like the show, but you're really scraping the bottom of the barrel with this bullshit.


Obviously, this guy is a welder, not a mechanic. I'd be interested to see how the engine is fastened to..... Everything.

not sure he can - the water outlet is on the other side of the engine. This isn't even a CP, it's a BROKEN CP! At this point, he needs to completely disassemble it and sell the parts. On separate websites. In different countries. In 4 languages. With a lisp.

There's not much written about this but Philco, an appliance company owned by Ford, sold an early home video game console in Brazil back in the late 1970s. It played Pong, as you might expect.

I would like to submit that I never have, and NONE of MY favorite flicks have EVER won, they at best show up in obscure "runners up" lists having lost to some pandering arthouse flick with a bunch of gay cowboys eating yogurt. Kevin Costner has how many Oscars to Scorsese's none? (props to Chris Rock)

It can be considered polite to give everyone a little warning so they can get compromised personnel out of harm's way.

According to a documentary I saw a while back, the operator has little to do with what that head does once he clamps it to a tree. A computer determines the optimal harvesting methodology based on what the expected millwork can get out of that log. So, a forward thinking forwarder.

Could've sworn I saw a Ford Fuckass with a rainbow sticker on the back window the other day.....

Obviously, 11 activates the vibrating passenger seat.

The origin of the Honda ten speed is that Honda customers couldn't agree on a bike with shorter gearing for more torque, or tall gearing for crusing, so Honda gave them both.

Not much love (or knowledge) for the bigguns on this site. And as for unusual, the Super 10 doesn't make the list for heavy trucks. Ever heard of the VolvoSynchro? How about the newer Freedomline? Thats a different list for a different website. These guys drive for fun, not for work.

BMW has officially been replaced as the punchline in the porcupine joke. Audi will henceforth be known as having pricks on the inside.

There comes a time when you just don't stick around for the aftermath. Shit is ALWAYS that time. A coworker of mine long ago, took in a returning rented motorhome with a full holding tank. On the way to the dumping station, on the highway, the tank broke loose from its mounting. He said he indeed saw it, rolling

I find myself reminded of years ago, during the rolling blackouts in California, when Ring Caterpillar in Florida rented / leased several portable (truck-sized) generators to tech companies so they could keep the lights on. After they transported and hooked the beasts up, someone from the EPA showed up and rained on

It was the understudy to Bond's Aston Martin "Vanish"!

I have a feeling this is going CP in a very close vote. I'd offer 7500 and he'd take 8. Worth that if those flares have held up for this long without spider-webbing the paint for 6 inches in all directions.