
The actual number of gears varies more than that, but sixth is never in the low range of anything. I can't find a huge amount of fault, though, anyone not familiar with class 8 trucks is going to lose a lot of information due to adrenaline. My issue is that it's published without due diligence beyond the

Almost none changes the definition to "illusion of freedom." I don't know about you or anyone else who might read this, but I grew up laughing and joking about the notion of Soviet Russia listening to all their citizens phone calls and how repressive and controlling that kind of BULLSHIT IS. Calling it anything else

Seriously though, dude, most of the tech and licensing information in your article is just black-letter wrong. Far be it from me to debate anyone's right to personal opinion, but anyone who isn't in the know and reads this has been done a great disservice.

Was scanning through to see if anyone corrected him on this. Also, it's originally there for hooking / unhooking purposes - usually only a difference of 3 to 4 inches, which when you're talking about a 12 foot tall truck, won't make much difference in clearance issues.

Unloaded, I usually started in fourth and went straight to sixth, then skip shifted as necessary. To change the final drive ratio, that's BOTH differentials, parts alone would be in the neighborhood of $5K.

I'll concede that the actual regs can vary from state to state, but MA will absolutely require you to hold at least a B-CDL with an air brake endorsement to drive that pig. The standards are based on weight capacity, not how much you actually have loaded. And ANY vehicle with air brakes, commercial or private. Even

You're right, they don't give a crap about you. Until they do. Wait until the day you're fucked over because of a website / phone number / neighborhood / scumbag that you got linked to, that's when you'll hear I don't give a crap. Apathy kills as many freedoms as the most ruthless dictators.

Does anyone have any illusions about what th is car is supposed to be? It is so blatantly in your face over the top, how could you? Your argument is invalid because you're shouting at the wind. Not me, Dodge or anyone else Is going to try and prop this monster up against anything because it's POINTLESS! It was built

I feel like I just watched someone walk into a biker bar with a Honda shirt and a rainbow keychain. Not quite assless chaps, but still....

Same here - I used to go to Radio Shack in the '80s not necessarily looking for a specific piece, but perusing the stock and envisioning what I could make with it. When the piles of kit boxes, bayonet lights and resistors turned to Otterboxes and Verizon displays, they were officially dead to me.

I wish I had taken pictures when I drove a wrecker on the NYS Thruway outside Rochester. I stopped wondering "why?" and "how?" the day I pulled a Mitsu from its perch 9 feet up a tree.

Good thing you're going to swap rims/tires - there's enough pimp juice on these to waterproof the Titanic.

Just for the sake of counterpoint, lack of use can contribute to loss of refrigerant. Half of the a/c system is designed for extreme pressure and temperature, when it doesn't see those conditions it very often begins to leak. Charging a little used system is often just throwing away money. At the same time, charging

The Patriots win. Why? Because they take every edge available. Historically, that's how winners do it, whether it's the NFL, NASCAR, F1, or fucking table tennis. And, historically, the losers whine about why they lost and how it wasn't their fault. It was their fault they didn't think of it first.

I'd agree with you if I thought anything more than the memory card survived

Used. Car. Dealers. One small step above pond scum, yet not smart enough to break into real estate. I'd deliver pizza first.

Don't forget the dreadful, yet effective, cruise control. The other stuff would bounce back without the can, but that would devolve into a neck-snapping thrill ride. Also usually the first thing to succumb to rust. No worries, though, every ford built for ten years had the same can.

A promise? Really? You're that certain, after watching a minute of dashcam video, that you're qualified to second guess a professional in his place of business? Interesting. Or, maybe, you should just shut the fuck up and shove your hatred for the instruments which deliver 90% of everything you consume directly up

The year these came around was the year I got my driver's license, so I paid attention to these. The 5.0 was the unit out of an F150, not the LX or GT, with a hotter cam and higher compression. Still not stellar performance, but not what everyone here is making comparisons to.

Sorry.... I'm an east coast villain. Though, a purple school bus conversion sounds like a blast!