Dickon Manwoody

Menstruating is for closers.

Happy princess Obama is waaay better than Malibu beach Obama

Pretty sure they're genuine Cookie Monster pelts.

Or you could have actually read the article and the mentioning of many religions and their belief in the virgin birth. But I suppose reading is really hard. Especially when you have some fake War on Christmas nonsense to go on about listening to Fox News.

You people never stop struggling to find some phantom oppression with which to pretend-torture yourselves, do you?

So you're mad that Jezebel doesn't buy the whole "virgin birth" thing and instead releases interesting, informative, and well researched pieces about how the myth of the virgin birth is related to how we think of women, is part of a long tradition, has to do with how we repress women in general, and how it effects

And Lo, the squeals of indignation were heard from hither and yon, from the darkest corners of 4chan; to the deepest, dankest of the subreddits. Loins were girded, as yet unwashed, and powerful links to Reason, Breitbart, and The Heritage Foundation were unsheathed. The Dark Prince had cast down the gauntlet, and,

There was plenty of bubblegum pop in the 1960s, and there's plenty of music beyond what's played on the radio now.

No. The target audience was male gamergators who masturbate to the thought of Zoe Quinn being gang-raped.

Nutritionists are the new Communications majors and naturopaths are every bit as quacky as Oz. The fuck outta here with that shit.

"Frankly if I wanted dietary advice I'd try to find a decent naturopath or consult a nutritionist."

This is the disappointments list. The disgraceful embarrassment thread will come later.

That's pretty much impossible, because I always assume (for convenience, sanity) that literally every word spewed by Dr. Oz, Food Babe et al are 100% bullshit. They're not less accurate than I fear if I fear they're 0% accurate.

A theatre professor of mine once worked on a show that cooked real food onstage. It was so integral to the script that they actually had a real kitchen built onto the stage. Part of this was a coffee pot. One night, during intermission a man walked *on to the stage* poured himself a cup, and one for his wife, and

"When someone rapes a person they go to prison."

I want to live in whatever amazing utopia she clearly lives in.

Take a moment for the following thought experiment: thousands people of color descend on Manhattan dressed in costume with the express purpose of moving in large mobs and getting drunk. How would the event be reported in the press? Would more than 2 police show up on a given block to manage the raucous and disruptive

Get *on* my lawn, kids!