Dickon Manwoody

What's funny/sad is that he's one of the less embarrassing Republican hopefuls.

Yeah, I don't think Brits even use the term.

"a character whose WASP identity is central to the character"


"SJW false flaggggggg!!111" -Gamergoobers

Sorry, didn't get you the first time, but that makes sense. But this guy has an audience of millions and he's feeding them misinformation. If we want doctors to have a better understanding of science in general, I think calling out quacks that are prominent in the media is a good idea.

Naturopathy is pseudoscience.

Dr. Oz spouts all sorts of crap that's demonstrably unscientific. I don't see what relevance the existence of other crappy doctors has to this discussion.

Yeah, I just don't buy that he would have gotten himself into this particular tight corner in the first place.

Look at my name username, halfwit. I've read the books. And you're not the worst person in the world, you're just a foot soldier in an army of pond scum. Good day!

Spoiler alert for your life: the remainder of it will be spent in your mom's basement.

Or, you know, a billion other places on the internet, if you knew how to use Google.

Oh, I was being sarcastic. But the way that played out in the show really bugged me. There's no way Littlefinger wouldn't have had a plan for the interrogation, or that he would have killed Lysa when there was no one around to frame.

But, of course, Sansa's journey to bad-assdom wasn't complete until she put on that black dress and became Darth Sansa.

I remember them generally ignoring the progressive stances that John Paul II took. That seems like a better strategy.

They just think that revering it should be a private matter between consenting adults and non-consenting children.

Who wouldn't come early for Olivia Wilde?

My favorite unintentionally creepy comment of the day.

I'm 30 and I've started tearing up from dog food commercials like Carmella Soprano.

That's because you're thinking like a human being. You need to put yourself in the mindset of a short-term-profit-maximizing sociopath. Actually, even then, it seems pretty silly.