
Jesus. I can't believe I did that. The Clippers are the minor league baseball team. He's something else. Weird seeing a kid that was at your house get into pro sports.

My son's friend, Will Trapp, will make $127,000 from the Columbus Clippers. Not bad for a kid who left school (Akron) after 2 years.

This is nice, but let me know when Flapjack and K'nuckles guest star on Archer.

Man, if you can't find true love on a TV show, where can you find it?

Wow. I can't believe it took them all day to put that piece of shit together.

No. You don't. You surprise her. And when you pop the question, you stare at her eyes. If it looks like it might be a no, well, you get up nice and close and say, "well...?"

"...but can't and is bitter about it, if this person only barely spoke English and wasn't precisely sure on which side of the camera is the one you're supposed to look through."


The colors remind me of that "Dumb Ways To Die" video.

It's adorable the way that little robber goes into that little convenience store, kills three little people and gets the money.


Seth MacFarlane's brand of humor seems to work well in cartoons like Family Guy and The Simpsons, not in real interpretations of fully-realized people who may have actually encountered this type of racism and sexism in their lives.

I mispronounced macabre until I was in college. In fact, I thought there were two words that meant the same thing: Macawb, which I heard a lot but never saw in print and Mack-a-burr, which I saw in print, but never heard.

I was so inspired by that clip, that I wrote a song. It's called Asian Girlz.

If a racist texts racist shit in a park and no one sees, is it still racist?

That BMI index is hard to beat (I would have to be at the same weight I was in the 8th grade to not be overweight). Congratulations! And you most certainly can share this with co-workers and family.

Outrage meter - 1: Sorry, no outrage. Try again.

This guy is wearing a denim shirt with jeans and he looks great. If I were to wear a denim shirt with jeans, I would look like I was trying to find the buffet in Branson, MO.

I'm a guy and this is a legitimate question.

Death by tongs. that's the proper etiquette because STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY GRILL!!!