
What about Torx?

"Hereinafter known as "The Relationship"...

He was handsome enough to get away with it.

Outrage is in the eye of the beholder.

I would think this is a real thing if it didn't look like she was just making it up as she pranced along.

Someone think of the babbys.

You seem to have much more at stake here than a regular guy. Weird.

Nah. they're way deep at RB. Roby will be a problem.

I know one was when they turned it into America Sings (it was known in the park as America Screams) it was press night and one of the ushers was too near the wall when it started to rotate and she was crushed between them. Yuk.

The only death at a Disney park caused by a ride malfunction was a few years ago when the Thunder Mountain coaster malfunctioned and caused a death of a man (not sure of the exact issues). But there have been a lot of deaths on rides that were user error. Horrific.

I'm really excited for this. the last movie that kind of scared me was Mama. And that's just because the guy who played Mama was creepy as hell.

There would have been more strip clubs, that's for sure.

She done a unicorn mask? That's a kink that's new to me...

Diet Dr Pepper is so good that there is no reason for a regular Dr. Pepper. I am going to get DDP tatooed on my shoulder so I can proudly display to the coroner what killed me.

20 or so years ago, my dad sold a 1972 Scout International. The guy came, gave him cash (like $1000 or something), my dad signed over the title and said he'd be back in the morning to pick it up. He never came back. Six months we waited for this guy to get the Scout and my dad finally called the CHP. They said to

Is that a mugshot? Is he in prison orange?

I am struck with how attractive the Polish people are. I am mostly Polish and not that attractive.

Holy shit. I just read my post and it was supposed to say"...a random black man raps". The way I typed it sounds raysis.

0:39 - But I think this is the next Friday.

What does incest smell like?