
As a Penguins fan, that was hard to watch.

Wow. I mean...just Wow.

That wouldn't get vandalized at all.

I switched from real smokes to an e-cig. It's healthier, and since it's not as pleasurable, it should be easier to quit.

What bullshit. His comments were clearly jokes (the SEC dig was in response to the question: How do feel about the SEC saying the Big Ten can't count?) and the Catholic joke was just that...a joke (The Fathers are holy on Sunday and holy Hell the rest of the week.)

Give it a few years and someone will come out with a cheaper version of it. Like $3000.

That made feel claustrophobic.

I'm doing it. One day at a time.

Last summer, a woman approached me and said I looked like Thurston Howell. I'd never thought that. But when I googled Jim Backus and saw this picture:

Forbearance? More like ForeBEARDance. Am I right?

Because if you don't label it, then I can't label mine as "GMO FREE" and charge you an extra dollar. That's why.

The House of Haagen-Dazs doesn't have enough ice cream for everybody?

Is it set in Youngstown? She ain't got a chance.

Why did he have to tell me how much his dog is worth? I don't care that he spent $15,000 on a dog. Wait. $15,000 on a dog? Lasers ain't cheap, I guess.

Using this chart I wouldn't have been able to buy my Subaru Forester XT.

Not so bad. It was a private meeting, he can say what he wants.

But if I push the triangle fast enough and wrap a bandage around my arm, I'll be okay.

This is awesome. Someone speeding through my neighborhood is the one thing that's guaranteed to send me into full "Old man shaking a stick at people" mode.

But I've been with several companies that have had to lay people off. Nobody is ever informed before the layoffs occur. They'll generally hold a meeting after the people are laid off to let everyone know that the layoffs are over. I've only missed that meeting once (when I was laid off).

Is this news? Really?