
I don't know! I've never even heard of Red Wednesday before. Maybe someone's trying to make it a thing.

I'm currently unemployed, but when I worked at a movie theatre 10 years ago, I had to work Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day.

Yes! I just got an email telling me today was 'Red Wednesday'! WTF?

True. I've always wanted to live in Wales. Well, since I was 15 and discovered Ioan Gruffudd that is. I really wanted to apply to this one school on the coast for Uni - it was so beautiful and the programs were fantastic - but my parents were like "where the hell do you think you're going to get the money for that?"

I think you'd wake up really fast...just in time to drown or die of hypothermia!

It's in the water! It's a waterbar!

I don't think she could look bad if she tried. Honestly, she always looks amazing.

I always wear a flower clip in my hair because I can't stand hair in my face and hairbands give me headaches.

YES! Last year I had a brown period for the first time and was all "WTH? Am I dying?" I ended up asking my shrink during a session the next day and she was a little thrown but like, "yeah, that's old stuff shredding off. It's normal."

I'm trying to get my mom Lands' End water shoes, but they aren't available yet in her size. She does Aquafit 3-4x/week and is constantly buying new suits and shoes because the chlorine wears through hers.

Can you imagine? You'd have to do it with a straight face and have someone film the reactions. PRICELESS.

For essential personnel, it's part of their job and they get lieu days (days in lieu of holidays). When we were small kids, my dad (firefighter) worked four 24-hour Christmas shifts in a row so he would never have to work it again. We would get up at 4 am (we were usually up at 3 because we were OMG SANTA CAME) and

Boxing Day can be nuts, but now we have Black Friday and Cyber Monday here (which don't quite make sense since we don't have the actual holiday?) and also shit like Boxing Week and New Year's Week deals. So it's been pretty diluted.

GLAAD gave him the Vanguard award last year when he was fucking 19. 19!! He's a rockstar.


Well, you hang on to your Tattoo!Josh, then. Hang on tight. Let him give you ALL THE FEELS.

Why? Always the girlfriend. ALWAYS.

Why? Always the girlfriend. ALWAYS.

January, I believe. All these fucking Winter/Spring shows. The Following, Hannibal, The Americans, Game of Thrones, etc. etc. etc.! WHY YOU MAKE ME WAIT SO LONG FOR GREATNESS?

She is. At the end of the season I was all "DON'T QUESTION THIS! MOMMY AND DADDY WILL HAVE TO KILL YOU! STOP BEING SMART!" because seriously, they will kill you, even if they cry afterward.