I am but a servant of my creator, the fabulous Gail Carriger.
I am but a servant of my creator, the fabulous Gail Carriger.
I can't answer that without having it be a major spoiler one way or the other, but I can say that the ending is satisfying and I am really REALLY looking forward to the spin-off series that starts in 2015. I can't get enough of these characters.
OMG OMG. REALLY? That's hilarious. Remind me not to post about 'cottaging' or 'kayaking' in the future.
OMG I remember when I was a teen in Toronto, someone was going around nightclubs, jabbing people in the arm with a needle and leaving a sticker that said 'congrats, you've got AIDS'. I don't know whether or not it was real, but a friend of mine was in the bathroom when a girl found one of those stickers on her arm and…
Ah, gotcha. Well in that case, I guess you'd better plan a trip up north!
Yeah, I didn't realize that until after I posted them and saw that all the pictures had English and French labeling. I assumed it was an American thing because most of our snack food is American but we do have some that's UK in origin or just unique to Canada. But yeah, since Nestle's a big multi-national, I figured…
You won't regret it!
Might be only in Canada - I don't know if Nestle's available/big in the US.
Nope; it's Canadian.
I mean COME ON. You know when they say 'family size' they really mean 'Oh, you're going to spend the weekend watching Gossip Girl? HAVE SOME POTATO CHIPS.'
Yes! Mine's already pre-ordered. So excited. Plus Custard Protocol next year!!!
I've never actually had the cups. I did have the 'binge-watching' size when I was binge-watching Angel in university, though. But I stopped eating sugar soon after so I've never had the joy of a cup.
Oooh! These might be a bit too graphic for audiobooks for me - I can't listen to the end of Changeless on audio because it's too descriptive. But I'll check them out. I need to re-read the books anyway. It's been a while.
Yeah. I'm hoping there's like a fucking Hep-V cure buried in that backyard or something crazy like that, otherwise it's just nonsense.
That would have been amazing!
I wish they'd turned Lafayette back in season 2. He would have made an AMAZING vampire. Go-Go dancing and shiiiiiiiiiiit.
YES! He should direct sex dreams. I'm sad he shut down his website. That was beautiful.
I like the books myself - I mean they're not high lit, but they're good fun. Until Charlaine stopped enjoying writing them/ran out of ideas but had to fill out her contract. Then it became quite painful.